Celebrations of the 104 th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia IN Nautrēnu civil parish

Celebration of public holidays IN Nautrēnu parish took place throughout the day.

Plumping. At 10:00, the village of Rogovka held a Nautrēnu national holiday run, where runners and supporters from Vērēmu, Ilzeskalna, Bērzgales and Nautrēnu parishes were attended, not coming from the winter weather. There were 3 distances – children's distance, 2 km distance and 5 km distance, as well as a parish relay where there were 5 participants in the team. The 2 km distance was also carried out by the hosts.

Children's distance laureates:

  1. place - Elgar Mitchan
  2. place - Raimonds Boltan
  3. place - Ladislavs Serkov

2 km in the men's group laureates:

  1. place – Viacheslavs Ovsjavkin
  2. place - Guntars Ivanovs
  3. place - Arvis Ludborgs

2 km in the women's group laureates:

  1. place - Madara Elksne
  2. place - Arita Gailuma
  3. place - Natalia Bernane

5 km distance between men and 45 years in the laureates:

  1. place - Agris Boalschijs
  2. place - Edgars Paeglytis
  3. place – Janis Andris Kačkans

5 km distance women up to 45 years in the laureates:

  1. place - Sandra Dervinica
  2. place - Christine Gailuma

5 km distance men in 45 + group laureates:

  1. place - Aldis Ziukmacis
  2. place – Andris Breavers
  3. place – Janis Bilinskis

Parish laureates:

  1. place – “Ilzeskalns”
  2. place – “Vērēmi”
  3. place – “Nautrēni I”

All participants in the event received memorial gifts and medals for their participation, while the laureates were given the gifts of the Rēzekne municipality and THE government of Nautrēnu.

After a public holiday in Nautrēnu high school sports hall, Rogovka Cup was held in Novus, table tennis and darts organised BY Nautrēnu parish administration (sports Methodsman Andris Breavers) in collaboration with the association “Rogovkins”. An inventory was used for the course of the competition, which was purchased within the framework of the “Rogovkīši” project “move together”.

More than 20 participants took part in the shooting.

1. v. Walter Ludborger
2. v. - Bruno Losans
3. v - Inspirit Gusan

The most successful shooting galleries in the youth group - Yang Vuille and Normunds Losans.

There were 12 participants in the table tennis.


For men
1. v. Walter Ludborger
2. v. - Dainis Vonogs
3. v. - Maris Kokorevics

For women
1. v. - Darina Piskunova
2. Wave Down
3. v. - Leonid Obrumane

16 participants struggled in Novus.


For women
1. v. - Ingrida Pavlovska
2. v. - Leonid Obrumane
3. v. - Mark Zubko

For men
1. v. - Stanislav Ranan
2. v. - Janis Ludborgs
3. v. - Maris Kokorevics.

Plumping. 20:00 Nautrēnu in sports hall – a concert dedicated to public holidays took place IN THE CN. Prior to the concert event, visitors were invited to visit the exhibition “I for Tymoms Positive”, which contains more than 95 ceramic works – light houses. The exhibition was awarded with the support of Latgale cultural programme and was implemented by the municipality OF Ludza Municipality J. Soikāns Art School. The exhibition is open until November 28.

AT the beginning OF the concert, Nautrēnu parish administration articles were presented, which were received by:

Andra Zubko Melne, on the unselfish contribution TO the preservation, collection and visualisation of the intangible cultural heritage OF Nautrēnu parish.

Martin Highland - a respectful, sympathetic and responsive attitude to people.

Inga Vigule - on the management OF creative, responsible, highly skilled and unselfish cultural work IN THE parish OF Nautrēnu.

Veronica Dundure was welcomed with the acknowledgement of the Cabinet of Ministers regarding a significant contribution to the training, promotion and development of the Latvian language language, as well as in the transfer of Latvian cultural history knowledge, strengthening the latgalical identity in Latvia. 

Applicants were nominated and approved by THE Consultative Council of Nautrēnu parish.

Vincent Kokoy and Valdis Atal provided the concert with the participation of Zanda Berzins and Rihard Kokoy. This kind of musical singing took place for the first time.

After the concert, traditionally, a festival cake was brought into the hall, with which all the visitors were respected. The day ended with a ball in which Ainars Lipsky was musical.

Many people were involved in the celebration of these festivals, which created a truly filled, patriotic and warm day for both themselves and the participants of the activities in collaboration and supporting each other.

Thanks for co-operation – Nautrēnu for the collection of the cultural centre of the association of the association, Nautrēnu association sports methodologies, Edgar and Mother Kļaviņš, the association “Rogovkins”, Sandra Vorkalei, Vincent Kokoy and Valdis atal, Igor Zabilevsky, Marim Justam, Rogovka MJIC youth and manager Aritai Gailumai, the municipality of Rezekne municipality, SIA “Madara” and Nautrēnu parish parish workers!

Sincerely THANK all the actors for their responsiveness and being together!

Together we are creating a strong and beautiful Latvia not only in festivals but also on a daily basis!

Nautrēnu Head of the Management Culture Centre of the Association

Inga Vigule

Photo: Diana Ivanova, Livija Plavinska, Maris Justs

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