Rural benefit market – possibility of assessing purchasers demand
For four Friday consecutive days, from 22 August to 12 September, the municipality of Rezekne, the municipality of Rezekne, belonged to farmers and domestic producers who offered to purchasers rural benefits – fruit and vegetables, dairy products and meat smoked, confectionery, berry and chewable plants .12 September the last trade was held, bringing together a wide range of buyers.
As early as the early morning, the largest line came at THE Sakstagala parish at the “mint” table, where the housewife had the ability to cut and weigh roulets, sausages, hams and posters. Coupates and meat pancakes were also requested. All buyers were able to get a business card with their host coordinates in order to further communicate and purchase meat products on the farm. “I'd like to go here every second Friday, but if there's no chance, call and go to us,” said the housewife.
The milk products of the agricultural service cooperative “Viļāni” — rural butter, cheese, yoghurt — were also requested. Unfortunately, this time the cheese producer from Decaari parish had not arrived. They also had to disappoint those buyers who hoped for the autumn raspberries from THE Nautrēnu parish “Silava”. However, as every Friday, the valuable organically grown garlic was offered BY Bērzgales parish z/s “Ezerland” owner, Staņislava Igaune. “We are very grateful to the Rēzekne department of the Latvian Rural Advisory and Education Centre and the municipality of Rezekne for these markets. The event itself is very sympathic, meeting people, talking, new contacts can be established. It would be very good if such markets were to become regular if there was a farm shop or market in Rezekne. It would be a huge aid to farmers and also the benefits for urban people, because they could buy clean, ecologically grown products,” says St. Igaune.
Next to the last autumn milky and long tomato harvest, HE sold Ozolmuižas parish z/s “Lukstinkēvičs”. “I believe that this is a good opportunity, only a larger ad and more space should be used for such markets. Then the farmers themselves would be willing to pay for the premises if the event would become regular and the purchaser's favourite,“ – says Lolita of the Lolita of Lukstinkēvičs. In his view, the parish should be more aware of small producers who are still shy and afraid to go out. “About the direct trade movement – has been heard, but it is not common to us.“ There are acquaintances who come to the spot, pick up the goods and pay them, but they don't know what they're going to do. ”
The met buyers admitted that they would be willing to come to the market every Friday so that they could only buy flavour and healthy food.
Buyer Rita: (standing in a long line at z/s “mint”) “we're in the market for the first time. Very positive, i would definitely go here, if we were. So far, we have been actively attending the brothers market, which takes place every second Saturday at MaximaXX.
Buyers Anastasia: “It's very good to shopping.” It's a pity that there won't be any more. There should be a particular place in Rezekne to buy local peasants' products. '
Purchaser Diana: (standing in line after meat). “It's a good thing, but unfortunately it's done at work, i can't afford to miss a job every time.” In Riga and Daugavpils there are night fairs, such as in Rezekne. ”
The Rēzekne division of the Latvian Centre for Rural Consultation and Education, in collaboration with the municipality of Rezekne, was organised by the Latvian Rural Advisory and Education Centre in support of local producers. As the head of the Rēzekne Municipality Development Planning Planning Unit Anna Java, these markets were a good opportunity for farmers to explore and evaluate which production is more demanding, which the buyer wants more than less.
“The local government expects more activity from entrepreneurs so that they come to us with our suggestions, which we can help. These markets were a way for local producers to be dragged into the sun, but it is not really our function to organize the market. The aim was that manufacturers assess themselves and then organise themselves in cooperative groups so that they can easily find a place to market their products. '
The markets in the municipality of Rezekne have closed down, but the purchasers remain able to support local farmers by establishing closer contacts with them so that the direct trade movement can also be established in the Rēzekne municipality.
Anna Rancāne
Madara Laksa photo