By November 6, EU fund training for adults throughout Latvia can still be applied



Until November 6, training for adults in the project “improvement of professional competence of employed persons” may be applied. Employed or self-employed persons aged 25 years of age may choose to acquire one of the 770 educational programmes available to citizens with support FROM EU funds in 50 cities and districts of Latvia.
Every worker or self-employed person from 25 years to an unlimited age may apply for training. In the case of a large number of applications, the benefits are for adults aged 45, 7, 8 and 9 in the professions of professions, namely service and trade workers, skilled workers and craftsmen, equipment and machine operators and product fitters or simple professions, as these groups are most vulnerable to unemployment in the future.
The majority of the training costs are covered BY EU funds and the state, while the working population must ensure the co-payment OF 10%, which can also be paid by the employer. The amount of the co-payment may vary from less than ten euros to more than 100 euros, depending on the selected programme. Low-income and poor training is entirely free of charge, as well as support for regional mobility, while the compensation of disabled workers - assistant or surrogate interpreters.
The application is made by submitting documents to one of the 55 educational institutions offering training. The training will be combined with work and planned to be launched in January 2018.
In order to respond as quickly as possible to changes in the labour market, the first training is available in four sectors of Latvia in priority sectors where the shortage of skilled labour is the most topical throughout Latvia. These industries are construction, metalworking, engineering and engineering, timber and electronic and optical equipment manufacturing, information and communication technologies. 
The project offers vocational training, professional development and non-formal education programmes. Adults may not only raise their existing qualifications and acquire new skills but also learn another profession required in the labour market. In the first round of application, it is possible to learn 67 different professions in three of the sectors offered.
The training is available in 50 cities and districts of Latvia. The widest range of programmes has been offered in Riga - 195, second place is Daugavpils with 184 educational programmes, while in the third - Rezekne, where educational institutions offer 153 curricula.
The project partners are 64 Latvian municipalities in which informative advice on the project and available training in their city or municipality is provided by the adult education coordinator, if necessary. The contacts of all coordinators shall be available in the link:
If the necessary skills in one of the professions in four sectors have already been acquired in a working environment or elsewhere, an employee of 25 years of age at the time of the project may benefit from the recognition of the professional competence acquired outside the formal education system, passing the examination and obtaining a qualification document in one of the 52 professions. Participation in the project allows for reimbursement of expenditure incurred IN THE amount OF 90% or 100%. Also in this activity, login takes place until November 6.
More information on training and the project is available at
About the project
The “development of professional competence of employed persons” shall be implemented by the State Education Development Agency. The aim is to improve the professional competence of employed persons in order to prevent shortages of labour qualifications in the labour market demand in a timely manner, to promote the competitiveness of workers and increase in labour productivity. It is financed by the European Social Fund and the Latvian State, investing more than 25 million euros in six years until 31 December 2022.
Other information:
Rēzekne municipality project coordinator
Gunita Weismane, tel. 20214720

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