Maltā open exhibition “woman in photomiries”
Women and photographs have been close and complex at all times. On the one hand, a rare woman in her life has not been positioned for a photographer, but it is even less common that the photographed would truly be recognised as being successful. The existing paradox does not mean that the photographs show a small number of women – on the contrary – the photographer are always attracted directly by the females and the performances.
Using the opportunity, in Maltas parish library we offered to explore the travelling Latvian national library exhibition “woman in the photomiries”, whose office is Ieva Laizāne. On 15 May, on the day of the international family, we held the opening.
The photographs of the exhibition “female photomirklis” represent a woman in both rural and artistic professions and recreation. As a result of the photographs, it is possible to appreciate the time spent in fashion clothes and hairdresses, as well as the special hat elegance. They also reveal a woman's family and friendship, relationships with her years, and finally with the photographer himself.
The photographs collected in the exhibition from the National Library of Latvia and several private archives cover the period from the late 19 th century to the mid-20 th century.
Today, when the social status of a woman has changed significantly in comparison with the beginning of the last century, the photographs shown in the exhibition provide excellent evidence for the attractiveness, significance and versatility of the woman in the past. Thus the exhibition “women's photomirus” shows the ability of women to be strong and fragile at the same time. In the words of the poet, “how little we need to love and be loved to be!”
We'll respect each other, be sensitive, friendly and loving! Every family home without everyday care is a celebration of festival!
Thank the participants in the opening of the exhibition for their participation in the feedback book. For all of us, it was a nice and pleasant moment of being. For other stakeholders, the exhibition is available until 1 June. Welcome to the exhibition and get memorable impressions!
Antoņina Kruze,
Elman's pinch
Maltas parish library
Marie Trusov and Elvra pinch photo