Maltas Children and Youth Centre (BJC) celebrated national language day
On October 12, in anticipation of the official language day, which was officially celebrated in Latvia on 15 October, Maltas BJC invited their students to pay tribute to the language of our country by participating in an educational attraction.
All the presence in the form of a loop came in a team of A, B or C, who first remembered the alphabet, and then changed the names from the letters: A command “apples”, B team “B-lucky” and C “chickens”.
First of all, the children watched the video of the Latvian language agency on our language development path. But the spirit of real competition was woken by answering questions in “Kahoot!” where it was necessary to answer 12 questions about our language: remember the number of alphabetical letters; the synonym of Latvian peoples; the meaning of the word “zoo”; the spelling of the flag of the country of Latvia, etc. As a result of an intense and truly emotional struggle, the team won the B team, 2 nd in the C team and remained A team in the honest 3 rd place.
The children showed special concentration and creativity in the activity “alphabetical show”, where each one had to make a single letter, listening to the famous song “joke by alphabet” (the music was written by and together with the children's vocal group “nianse” was sanctioned by Renars Kaupers). The child's performance was filmed and stayed with a mixed memory of this unusual theatrical study.
And finally, with autumn coloured leaves and glue, each group was delighted by letters that together formed the word connection “Latvian”.
Thanks to the strong and objective jury (BJC's leader, Kažoka and teacher Rita Sinkavska), who assessed both the group activity and the originality of the fictitious names and also counted the points in the competition. Thank you very much to the teacher Inta Bulei for the support and technical management of the idea. All the band members received gratitude, useful gifts, and, of course, sweets. But there is no doubt that something of the seen, heard and self-created will remain in their memory.
Thank you for each child who took part and said with pride that he knew the alphabet and understood and understood the Latvian language. You're all Malachi, you chose to devote a half hour to a number of games available IN BJC lobby, but for a teacher-jointly organized event!
“I'll live for as long as you want to speak,” says the language in that video. It is a pleasure that THE national language OF Maltas BJC was celebrated several years before it was declared a formal celebration. Children's paaudzes and interests also change, but still remain the feeling that our country's language is what brings us all at all times. So that's what it's going to do.
P.S. reminds that IN Maltas BJC, the exhibition of Tatiano Wisnakov's painting and Svetlana Belov from leather-made flowers was seen by October 31. Everyone is welcome to come to the centre of children's creativity and useful time.
Skaidrite Squicky,
Maltas BJC Collector “Video detectivi” teacher