Maltas parish will take place in the open Olympics for young people
On 9 August, Maltas parish organizes a Maltas parish open Olympics for young people aimed at promoting the effective leisure of young people and promoting THE active rest of Maltas and the surrounding parish youth in sports games, as well as identifying the most Olympic parish in Rezekne municipality.
In the open Olympics, forces will be tested in sports such as football, volleyball, stripe and florball. It is invited to participate in the Rēzekne municipality parish youth teams, whose composition is composed of 6-8 participants aged 18-25 (comprising at least 2 young people).
Team applications must be sent to email until this. 5 August. In addition, applications shall be submitted in written form with a signature on the day of the competition, on 9 August.
For more details see in the by-laws.
Janis Saudins
“Maltys silk”
Chairman of the Board