A masterclass gives you an opportunity to know the profession of photographer
In April, Rezekne takes up the position of Lucia Rananes McCasanas, Nautrēnu and Dricānu in secondary school, as well as Verham and Audriņu primary school, a career support event “photographer class” was held. During the event, through presentation and discussion, it was discovered where and what paths are the photographer for the acquisition of the profession of photographer, the nature of the work, the personalities needed for the post and many other nuances related to the profession. The work equipment was recognized by the pupils on the spot because the masterclass, led by the experienced photographer Alexander Lebeds, was equipped with all the necessary: cameras, flash lights, backgrounds, reflectors, photo printers, and even drone. The students showed best demonstrations, but the most courageous could be in the role of a photographer, a photo reporter, or a model.
The event was organised under the European Social Fund project No “career support in the framework of General and Vocational Education Institutions”.
Elita Opincane, IP specialist,
project coordinator in Rezekne municipality