Museum night in Franz Tradog's museum “Colnasate”



As every year, in mid-May we meet at a event that brings together not only a couple of hundreds of Latvian museums, but many more museums around the world - in the international museum night stock. Every year this event has its own theme, this year it was a “cradle” that each of us has had its own, one and a reproducible. Our country has been, too, 100 years ago, but the country's cradle would not be possible if it had not been hundreds of thousands, thousands of other, much smaller rocks in which the people who had swayed and grew up, who had set the foundations for the Latvian state over time.
On 19 May, on 19 May at the night of museums, 92 people's stops were Francis Trassa Museum “Colnasate”, where visitors had the opportunity to meet not only the museum and the materials exposed thereto, but also to participate in the event of the museum nightmares and to practise in the creative workshops.
Visitors had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the traditional stages of human life that they experienced, almost every way to a cradle. The first is a period of hope, which is to be met by the Ilūkste amateur theatre “such as” (lead Indra Madarniece). The story of Rudolf Blauman's play “paradise” is based on an exciting story of Happy Andrew and his knees along the loves of love.
The pathways of love, sooner or later, lead to the establishment of a family, that is to say, wedding. The wedding from the museum pedagogical programme “wedding in Latgale” was shown by the folklore set “Colnasate”. In turn, THE nākšanu of the new life in the world and the need for the cradle were reported BY Rikavas Etnographic ensemble “Rikava” (head Aija Dundure). With his presence and musical performance, the spectators were delighted by the folklore of the Varkava municipality, “Jivpors” (vad. Salcevich).
Inta Decree,
F. Tradog museum “Colnasate” Director p.i.
Intas Declan photo
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