Useful event for existing and future entrepreneurs

To encourage and provide support to existing and emerging economic operators to think, initiate or expand their exports of products and services, the Latvian Rural Export Club Initiative was launched in May of that year. On Tuesday, July 26, Latgale entrepreneurs are invited to a second such meeting, this time focusing on product research.
The idea of the rural export club is based on David Barry's successful rural development in Great Britain and now the businessman himself in collaboration with more than 20 other rapporteurs in four Latvian cities – Jelgava, Saldou, Valmiera and Rezekne offers support, knowledge and encouragement to existing and emerging entrepreneurs in regions and rural areas. Measures for entrepreneurs are free of charge.
“The meeting brings together around 20 participants, both existing and already experienced exporting entrepreneurs, and those who just think about exports or start their business. The participants not only learn the experience of experienced entrepreneurs and information regarding important things in export, but exchange experience stories, presenting different sectors, and obtain important contacts that are useful in further development,“ it is THE Head of the Rural Development Unit of Latvia'S Rural Development and Education Centre Elina Oak.
As a continuation of the tradition of May, both existing and exporting entrepreneurs, and also those who are still considering exports or commencement of their business, are invited to a monthly meeting of Latvian rural export clubs Rēzekne Tuesday, 26 July at 15.00 Rēzekne municipality council in the fireplace hall (4 th floor, release alley 95A). Subject: Product research. David Barry, a teacher of SIA “ITSM delivery”, the initiator of the export club idea and the coordinator will discuss the labelling and packaging of products and how to better do so – both on the domestic market and on export. On the other hand, Ieva Jonson, the export director of SIA Orkla Confectionery & Snacks Latvia, will share the experience of acquiring export markets. Although the expert is active in a large company and with large export volumes, she is inspiring and competent to provide good advice to small producers and business initiators.
More information on Latvia's rural export club is available on the website where you can also register for participation in the event.
In Rezekne, the meeting of Latvian rural export clubs is organised in collaboration with the association “Rezekne Communities Partnership” and the Rēzekne business association. Additional information Ineta Elksne, association “Rēzekne District Communities Partnership” (tel. 26363497, or Skaidritte Baltace, association “Rēzekne business association” (tel. 20221185,
Skaidrite Baltace
Member of the Management Board of the Rēzekne Entrepreneurship Society