Conclusion of the proposals for the project competition “Support for the start-up and development of entrepreneurship in Rezekne municipality”


Project contest

In the 2019 business project competition, “Rural Economic Development in Rēzekne District” (LEARN) received 17 applications from 12 parish territories, including three from Bērzgales parish, two from Ozolmuižas, Mākoņkalna and Lendžu parish, but from Audriņu, Ozolaines, Kaunatas, Dricānu, Stružānu, Lūznavas, Kantinieku and Sakstagala parish received per application. The highest demand for funding is in tourism, food production and catering sectors, but the existing and emerging entrepreneurs, whose ideas are represented by sectors such as metalworking, production of glass fibre products, clothing production, natural cosmetics, domestic services, amusement services, sauna services and dog sports (Adjiliti) services.
The total funding requested for THE LEARN foundation is EUR 45 767,21. The amount of money actually available within the framework of this annual project is eur 30 000,00.
Dina Butler,
Executive Director of the LEARNING LEARNING

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