Recommendations of THE SEA EURES advisers: to be taken into account when returning to Latvia


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If you have lived and worked in a foreign country, but you decided to return to Latvia, it is important to know what activities when you arrive in Latvia have to be performed so that your life and work in the homeland will go without any difficulty. THE EURES Job Mobility Consultants of the European Employment Services Agency (SEA) have compiled a number of recommendations for those returning to Latvia.

Learn what security measures to limit the spread of Covid-19 in Latvia!

Find out in a timely manner what security measures in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic will be required when arriving in Latvia. You can get up-to-date information here: Covid-19 actuality, The Ministry of Health's latest information on Covid-19. While staying in Latvia, follow all national security measures to limit the spread of Covid-19.

Declare your place of residence!

Returning after a long stay abroad, you must declare your residence in Latvia. It can be done in the office of residence of your local government or electronically - in the portal  (e-service)Submission of a declaration of a place of residence”). The residence must be declared so that you can receive public and municipal services.

Start job search in Latvia as soon as possible!

If you have not yet found a job in Latvia before leaving, it is recommended that job searches be started as soon as possible so that you do not stay without income. It should be noted that the search for a suitable job on the labour market in less requested professions may take a long time.

You can get information about current job offers in Latvia IN THE NVA CV and vacancy portal (, one of the largest vacancy databases in Latvia. IN THE NVA CV and vacancy portal, job offers can be selected by activity, occupation, job location, remuneration and other criteria. Use other secure job search sites as well as your personal contacts to expand your job finding capabilities.

If you need support for job search, sign up FOR SEA as an unemployed or jobseeker and use the services offered by the agency, such as career advice, learning opportunities etc. Information on services can be found at THE NVA website: Looking for a job

Perform all activities necessary for export of unemployment benefit!

If you have been granted unemployment benefit in the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) country, and you have completed its exports to Latvia, that is to say, in the foreign unemployment insurance institution you have received an export document OF unemployment benefit U2, then, when arriving in Latvia, THE SEA must be registered within 7 days after departure from the foreign country and obtained status of an unemployed person, but THE U2 document must be submitted to the National Social Insurance Agency (SSIA). THE U2 document will allow you to continue to receive a foreign unemployment benefit while you are seeking employment in Latvia. The duration of the unemployment benefit is 3 months, but this period may be extended to 6 months.

If you have started working in Latvia, but after some time work has been lost, you may benefit FROM THE U1 document received in THE EU or EEA foreign social insurance institution, which allows for the unemployment benefit of Latvia if your period of employment in Latvia is not sufficient for granting unemployment benefit - at least 12 months in the 16-month period. THE U1 document confirms your period of employment and insurance abroad, so that the employment periods of both countries will be summed up and you will be able to receive the unemployment benefit of Latvia if the aggregated period of employment will be at least 12 months within 16 months.

Sign up for healthcare services!

When returning to Latvia, it is important to find a family doctor suitable for yourself and the family. Information about what family doctors work in the municipality or city of your place of residence, may be received on the home page of the National Health Service (NVD) ( When you find a family doctor, sign up for him: contact your family doctor's practice and agree on the day and time of the visit. You can also register with your family doctor electronically - in the national e-health portal

If you have children, find a suitable kindergarten or school for them!

If your family has children of pre-school or school age, when returning to Latvia, find out what kindergartens and schools are available in your local government. In the largest cities of Latvia, the number of places in local government kindergartens may be limited.

When you have selected a kindergarten or school suitable for your child, or you need help in seeking educational institutions, we recommend that you contact your city or municipality education specialist to find out all issues of interest. Latvian municipality and city education specialist contact information available on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science (

Children of school age after long-term life abroad may have communication difficulties due to the language barrier. When communicating with a city or municipality educational specialist, find out which support measures in an educational institution may receive for the acquisition of the Latvian language or basic education programme. You can also use supporting materials prepared by the Latvian language agency for interactive language acquisition (

Learn what family benefits are available to you in Latvia!

When returning to Latvia, it is important for children of children to find out what family allowances are available to them in Latvia. In order to apply for family benefits in Latvia, it is necessary to apply to the State Social Insurance Agency ( The situation of each family is different, so the conditions for obtaining benefits may also be different, such as if only one parent returns to Latvia, then the parent who continues to work abroad remains eligible for family benefits from the other country. If the parents have completed the export of unemployment benefit when returning to Latvia, they have the right to continue to receive foreign family allowances in the period while the unemployment benefit is received in Latvia.

Find out all tax questions!

When returning to Latvia, find out what your tax residency is in Latvia – you are or are not a tax resident in Latvia. The status of resident and non-resident taxpayers determines different income declaration and tax liability obligations. The fact that you have been working and staying abroad does not mean that you are not a tax resident in Latvia. It is important what kind of revenue has been earned and in which country they have been achieved. For example, if a resident of Latvia has worked in another EU country, he is not required to submit an annual income declaration in Latvia regarding the income earned abroad, while if a resident of Latvia has worked in Norway who is not a MEMBER State of THE EU, the annual income declaration regarding the income of wages and salaries obtained abroad in Latvia is to be submitted. In cases of tax issues or uncertainties, contact the State Revenue Service (

Use EURES consultant support!

If you have questions about employment opportunities in Latvia, social protection (family benefits, unemployment benefit, its exports etc.) or the payment of cross-country taxes, contact NVA EURES advisors (e-mail: On Fridays from 13.00 to 15.00, you can ask your eures advisors to ask YOUR QUESTIONS EURES chat.

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