THE SEA offers unemployed and jobseekers an opportunity to learn open online courses in platforms and receive reimbursement of training expenses


EU news

For registered unemployed persons and registered jobseekers who need to acquire or improve professional knowledge and skills, the State Employment Agency (SEA) offers an opportunity to learn open online courses in platforms and receive reimbursement of training expenses up to EUR 150.

A Client registered in THE NVA may qualify for the reimbursement of training expenses if he has selected an open online course platform where at least two of the official languages of the European Union (EU) Member States are involved in the acquisition of curricula, and the higher education institutions represented in at least ten Platforms are included in the world university rating “Times Higher Education” ( If less than ten higher education institutions are offered an open online course in educational programmes, they must all be included in the world university rating “Times Higher Education”.

The selected curriculum must also meet one of the five areas approved by the Ministry of Welfare: entrepreneurship (Business), computer science (Computer Science), data science (Data Science), information technology (Information Technology) or the acquisition of foreign language foreign languages (Language Learning).

In order to apply for reimbursement of training expenses, an unemployed person registered IN THE SEA or a jobseeker shall submit an application in his OR HER NVA branch before commencing the acquisition of a training programme using the single State and local government portal. or by sending AN SNA to a branch via mail or by sending to a branch e-mail address if the application is signed with a secure electronic signature.

Upon receipt of the application, THE SEA will assess and provide a reply within a few days on the compliance of the open online course platform and educational programme selected by the client with the requirements of the service on the reimbursement of training expenses and, in the event of compliance, confirm the application and determine the time of learning of the curriculum.

On the other hand, within ten working days of completion of the training, THE SEA branch will have to submit a submission for reimbursement of the training expenses to be accompanied by the acquisition of the curriculum and copies of the documents certifying payment. A submission for reimbursement of training expenses may be submitted using the single State and local government portal, arrive AT a branch OF AN SEA by mail or send to a branch e-mail address if the application is signed with a secure electronic signature. Contact details of all NVA branches can be found in THE NVA website section “Contacts”.

THE SEA will assess the application within three working days, take a decision to grant or refuse the reimbursement of the training expenses and inform the applicant of the decision taken.

More details on NVA support for learning programmes in open online courses are read here:

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