A free seminar for emerging and new entrepreneurs will be held in October



“Do i need it?” “i want and do it!” “There will be three free veins, or online seminars, on Fridays of October,“ how to start and develop their business during the crisis? ”.

New and emerging entrepreneurs can participate in both the vebbies and in a particular individual whose subject has been interested in the most:

  • 8 October from pl. 13.00 to 15.00 “Do i want to /var to start my business?”
  • 22 October from pl. 13.00 to 15.00 “I want and can start my business – what to do in the digital era?” Write a basic business plan!
  • 29 October from pl. 13.00 to 15.00 “not everyone will die, but everyone will change... My business is, i already have – to develop it in today's circumstances? How to maximise the use of Internet opportunities and tools? '

Online seminars will be managed by Dr. Tatjana Bogusvich - Business consultant, marketing expert and host with international experience. “Start strong” and “Latvian Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow”, currently Marketing Director at Frankfurt Metropolitan School.

Businessmen, whose names in the business world are written in capitals, will also participate in the vegetators: Arthur Geisari – entrepreneur, investor, business advisor with 18 years of experience, attracting more than 56 million EURO investment in 1000 + small and medium-sized enterprises in the Baltic States and Poland. Your experience will also be told Olga Troicina - Business Couch, working as Finance Director Coca-Cola HBc and Unison Trading Logistics. The owner of the children's YouTube kanāla Ты можешь все, as well as the owner of the “Delimare” of the Jurmala pizza.

The vebinary will take place in Latvian. We invite you to sign up for vebinary up to 6 October by completing the application form (questionnaire here: https://ieej.lv/8kc0S ). After you sign up, each member will be sent a link to a vebinary.

Online seminars are organised by Europe Direct in East Latgale.

Madara Burtina,
ED East Latgale assistant assistant

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