On the central road in the Plexsnis
In February, the “Maltas parish board” unit of the municipality of Rezekne informed the parish population about the situation in relation to the central road in Pleiksnis.
The unit OF the “Maltas parish association” of the Rēzekne municipality is regularly receiving complaints regarding the state of the central road. By updating the information, we declare that the municipality of Rezekne has found the possibility of integrating the central road into a project financed BY THE ERDF. The implementation of the project is planned not earlier than in the construction season of 2020, more precise information will be provided by the local government at the end of 2019, as the project is currently being prepared and its submission for funding will not be earlier than in early 2020.
In carrying out the technical design of the road, it was found that several private owners had expanded their property territories to the local government land, including at the expense of the central road. The persons concerned were ordered to disrupt the illegally installed fences and to rebuild the original property boundaries, which would allow the road to be expanded in certain stages. According to the calculations, the cost of reconstruction of the central road in Pleyx is close to EUR 1 million, while THE 2019 budget of THE Ozolaines parish administration is EUR 673 274.00. From this budget throughout the year, the parish administration shall ensure and finance all the parish management delegated functions, such as the carriage of pupils, the maintenance of public buildings (pre-school educational institution, the primary school of flames, the People's House, the library), the improvement of the parish area and sanitary cleanliness, the lighting and maintenance of areas intended for public use, water supply and sewerage in the villages, the water collection, drainage and treatment, the management of cemeteries, provision of social workers, the Orphan's and Land Affairs specialists with the necessary resources and transport, etc.
When considering borrowing opportunities from the Latvian state, information was received that the planned loan limit for 2019 was exhausted. In accordance with the requirements laid down in the Law on State Budget for 2019, further requests for borrowing are considered only for the implementation of projects co-financed BY THE EU and other foreign financial assistance, which means that the drawing up of borrowings is no longer available to local governments.
In order to find a temporary solution for improving the state of parish roads, the Rēzekne District Authority “Maltas parish association” concluded a procurement contract with VAS “Latvian Road Operator” on 27 March 2019, which in April carried out the filling of central road asphalt blankets with fragments and bitumen emulsion. Ozolaines parish management employees and VAS “Latvian road operator” have repeatedly surveyed the central road for the execution of the contract in order to harmonise the activities to be performed and agree on the elimination of deficiencies in the work already performed. THE road repair work of THE VAS “Latvian Road Operator” shall be performed in accordance with the planned schedule in priority order. This means that motorways of national significance are initially corrected, then local roads and, finally, municipal roads, the most important places have been corrected. In addition, AS part OF THE Maltas parish association, THE parish OF Ozolaines is not the only one whose roads need repairs, so that the work of the association also assesses the priority works to be carried out. According to the information provided by the company, currently VAS “Latvian road operator” does not have enough human and technical resources to carry out the necessary road repair work in the shortest time, but the construction of the holes on the central road will be continued.
Within the limits OF its options, THE Ozolaines parish administration has carried out the filling of holes with fragments, but it is not a lasting solution. Similarly, in order to reduce the recurrence of filler material from repaired places, speed-limiting signs are installed. It is reminded that the maximum driving speed in the Pleikes is 50 km/h, while on departure from Rēzekne (between garages) 30 km/h.
The total OF Ozolaines parish management road fund for 2019 is EUR 41 635,00. In 2019, a total of EUR 11 000 from THE financial resources of THE Ozolaines parish road fund for 2019 had been used to maintain parish roads. This amount includes all expenditure relating to the maintenance of all parish roads with a total length of 65 km per year, representing EUR 640,54 per kilometre. This amount must include both the costs of repair and cleaning and maintenance of road and road ditches throughout the year.
Ozolaines parish administration apologizes for the inconvenience caused by the Plexelles population due to the condition of the central road and calls on the population to select the travel speed corresponding to the road condition and weather conditions, as well as to assess the volume of freight transported at that stage of the road, which is 7 tonnes on the central road because, in excess of the maximum permissible load, the road condition is significantly deteriorated.
Ozolaines parish administration