Overview of the target grant for the development of infrastructure in the parish management OF Lendžu

1) REPAIR works of THE parish library and reading room OF Lendžu:
1.1. Project name: “Lendžu parish council of the Council administrative building library and reading room No 55 and 56 repairs”
1.2. Amount used to implement the project: 18075.76 Ls
1.3. Contractor: SIA “Rēzekne Building Production No. 5”
2) repair works of Lendžu parish Lendžu village trees:
2.1. Project name: “Lendžu parish Lendžu village rug repairs — Restoration of asphalt concrete cover”
2.2. Amount used to implement the project: 47030,03 Ls
2.3. Contractor: SIA “SVENTE HOLDING”
3) purchase of a school passenger bus:
3.1. Project name: “Lendžu parish of the Council of the Council of the Kalnzeru Catholic Catholics”
3.2. Amount used to implement the project: 26201,90 Ls
3.3. Supplier: SIA “AUTO FORTE LATVIA”
4) Repairs of Lendžu parish cultural house (estimated amount: 108692.31 lats)
4.1. Project name: “Repairs of Lendžu parish cultural house”
4.2. Construction contractor: SIA “ASKO AS” - repair works
4.3. Amount of contract for implementation of the project: 97552,52 Ls
4.4. Project name: “Purchase of curtains FOR Lendžu cultural house”
4.5. Supplier: SIA “Esetti”
4.6. Amount spent on project implementation: 7700,44 Ls
4.7. Project name: “Purchase of chairs FOR Lendžu cultural house”
4.8. The remaining amount - 3439,35 Ls will be spent.
Lendžu pagasta kultūras nama remontdarbi Lendžu pagasta kultūras nama remontdarbi Lendžu pagasta kultūras nama remontdarbi Lendžu pagasta kultūras nama remontdarbi Lendžu pagasta kultūras nama remontdarbi Lendžu pagasta kultūras nama remontdarbi Lendžu pagasta kultūras nama remontdarbi Skolas pasažieru autobusa iegāde 1) Lendžu pagasta bibliotēkas un lasītavas remontdarbi 1) Lendžu pagasta bibliotēkas un lasītavas remontdarbi 2) Lendžu pagasta Lendžu ciema Egļu ielas remontdarbi 2) Lendžu pagasta Lendžu ciema Egļu ielas remontdarbi

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