1) REPAIR works of THE parish library and reading room OF Lendžu:
1.1. Project name: “Lendžu parish council of the Council administrative building library and reading room No 55 and 56 repairs”
1.2. Amount used to implement the project: 18075.76 Ls
1.3. Contractor: SIA “Rēzekne Building Production No. 5”
2) repair works of Lendžu parish Lendžu village trees:
2.1. Project name: “Lendžu parish Lendžu village rug repairs — Restoration of asphalt concrete cover”
2.2. Amount used to implement the project: 47030,03 Ls
2.3. Contractor: SIA “SVENTE HOLDING”
3) purchase of a school passenger bus:
3.1. Project name: “Lendžu parish of the Council of the Council of the Kalnzeru Catholic Catholics”
3.2. Amount used to implement the project: 26201,90 Ls
3.3. Supplier: SIA “AUTO FORTE LATVIA”
4) Repairs of Lendžu parish cultural house (estimated amount: 108692.31 lats)
4.1. Project name: “Repairs of Lendžu parish cultural house”
4.2. Construction contractor: SIA “ASKO AS” - repair works
4.3. Amount of contract for implementation of the project: 97552,52 Ls
4.4. Project name: “Purchase of curtains FOR Lendžu cultural house”
4.5. Supplier: SIA “Esetti”
4.6. Amount spent on project implementation: 7700,44 Ls
4.7. Project name: “Purchase of chairs FOR Lendžu cultural house”
4.8. The remaining amount - 3439,35 Ls will be spent.