Rēzekne District Council meeting (01.11.2018)

Publicēts: 29.10.2018

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020

On the agenda:

1. On the issue of the binding Regulation No. 21 of the municipality of Rezekne of 1 November 2018 “Amendments to the binding Regulation No 1 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 20 July 2017 on the establishment of the municipality of Rezekne Municipality”

2. On the establishment of the Commission for the evaluation of the Rēzekne municipality competition “Rēzekne Municipality” and the approval of the Commission's composition

3. On the election of Iritas Vilnius and Ilona Delveres, members of the Orphan's Court OF Rēzekne

4. Regarding amendments to the position and monthly salaries of the Chairperson and Members of the Orphan's Court OF Rezekne

5. On the recalculation of the granted allowance to former PRESIDENT of the Council of Lendžu parish V. B.

6. On the recalculation of the granted allowance to former President of the Council of Pušas. M.

7. On the recalculation of the granted allowance to the former PRESIDENT of the Council of Vērēmu parish. S.

8. On the sale of movable property belonging to the municipality of Rezekne – fells located in immovable property with cadastre No. 7872 010 0120, “rubs 1”, Mākoņkalna parish, sale in an oral auction with an upward step

9. On the sale of movable property belonging to the municipality of Rezekne – felling located in immovable property with cadastre No. 7872 008 0423, “Ziemelis”, Mākoņkalna parish, sale in an oral auction with an upward step

10. On movable property — ROU 6 of tractor trailer, national registration No P9040LZ, approval of auction results

11. On movable property - passenger bus ME FRH 422 - recognition of the auction for non-meeting and sale in a repeated oral auction with a downward step IN THE parish OF Kaunatas

12. On the recognition of the auction of immovable property “boiler” in 1, Dubuules, Kaunatas parish, Rēzekne municipality, with the recognition of the auction of cadastre No 7862 012 0404.

13. On the approval of the results of the auctioning of immovable property IN Alleys 95A, Rezekne, premises for the provision of rental services of premises for the provision of a public catering service

14. On the non-construction of the municipality of Rezekne, land units approved by the municipality with cadastre designation 7866 002 0211 Lendžu parish rental right auction

15. On the recording of apartment properties in Land Register Dricānu civil parish

16. On the transfer of immovable property “lieutenant”, Čornajas parish, to alienation M. G.

17. On the transfer of the property “sun”, Stoļerovas parish, to alienation A. M.

18. For apartment property No. (number), shore street 1, Ratniekos, Čornajas parish, transfer to alienation I. K.

19. On the transfer of apartment property No. (number), school street 4, Stalerova, Stoļerovas parish, surrender O. D.

20. On the approval of the “school street 4 - (number)” in Stalerova, Stoļerovas parish, the approval of the notional price

21. On the transfer of the residential house “Adamovas boarding school 3”, Adamova, Vērēmu parish, with the transfer of cadastre No. 7896 005 0243 004 from the balance sheet of the Adamov special boarding school to Vērēmu parish government balance

22. Regarding amendments to the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 19 January 2012 “on the termination of land use rights in the land units registered in the State cadastre information system of the immovable property and the transfer to the local government of the land in the parish OF Čornajas”

23. Regarding amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 17 April 2014 “on the termination of land use rights in the use of the State cadastre information system registered in the State cadastre information system and the land units in the parish of immovable property IN THE parish OF Maltas”

24. On the distribution of land unit with cadastre designation 7876 006 0420 IN Ozolaines civil parish

25. On the allocation of land to the local government with cadastre designation 7892 002 0364 in parish Stoļerovas

26. On the approval of the land-use project for the immovable property “lakstigalu street 5” IN Silmalas civil parish

27. On the termination of the land lease contract No 16 of 21 November 2007 with A. J. Ozolmuižas civil parish

28. On the exchange of rented residential space against other residential residential space D. Ž. Silmalas civil parish

29. On the renewal of a social housing lease

30. On the expression of recognition on the 100 th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia

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