Rēzekne District Council meeting (02.08.2012)


1. Decree No 85 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 2 August 2012 “amending the binding Regulation No 67 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 19 January 2012 on immovable property tax in the municipality of Rezekne in 2012”
2. On the determination of the notional price of the property “Pelaški” by cadastre No 7850 007 0084
3. On the determination of the residential property peace street 2-43, Sherjani, Sherjanu civil parish with the determination of the notional price of cadastre No 7894 900 0056
4. On the transfer of a built plot of land to Genadium Baikov IN THE parish OF Sakstagala
5. On consent to the acquisition of land in the property of Leonid Takva
6.      Par Marijas Razgales atstātā mantojuma – nekustamā īpašuma nodokļa parāda un nokavējuma naudas daļas dzēšanu
7. On the conclusion of the contract on the use of hunting area with the hunter association “Feimanians” IN parish Feimaņu
8. On the termination of the land use rights of Vaclava Mačuļska by cadastre designation 7880 004 0211 Pušas civil parish
9. On the termination of land use rights for Sergei Seņkov on a land unit with cadastre designation 7888 002 0018 Silmalas civil parish
10. On the termination of land use rights in the land units of immovable property registered in the State cadastre information system of the immovable property, and the transfer to the local government of land in the parish OF Ilzeskalna
11. On the termination of land use rights in the land units of immovable property registered in the State cadastre information system of the immovable property and the transfer to the local government in the county of Vērēmu
12. On the correction of the clerical error in the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 21 June 2012 “on the termination of land use rights for land users IN parish Sakstagala”
13. Regarding correction of the clerical error in the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 21 June 2012 “on the termination of land use rights in the land units registered in the State cadastre information system of the immovable property and the transfer to the local government of the land in the county OF Sakstagala
14. Amending the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 21 June 2012 entitled “Termination of land-use rights for land users IN parish Sakstagala”
15. On the transfer of land units with cadastre designation 7860 006 0199 to the local government in THE parish OF Kantinieku
16. On the transfer of land unit with cadastre designation 7882 001 0106 to the local government in the county OF Rikavas
17. On the distribution of the municipal estate with cadastre number 7894 002 0229 in Sherjan civil parish
18. On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 78420050562, the conclusion of a land lease contract with Juri Seyles IN parish Audriņu
19. On the land unit part of the land unit from the land unit with cadastre designation 7854 005 0257 for the leasing of Christine Liepâja IN parish Gaigalavas
20.  Par pašvaldībai piekritīgās zemes vienības ar kadastra apzīmējumu 7860 006 0199 – daļas iznomāšanu, zemes nomas līguma noslēgšanu ar Nikolaju Kurašovu Kantinieku pagastā
21. On the transfer of land lease of land with cadastre designation 7866 004 1200 with Alexander Agafonova Lendžu parish
22. On the transfer of land lease of land with cadastre designation 7866 004 1128 with Valeria Artamonov IN parish Lendžu
23. On the transfer of land lease contract with Lily Jelinska Lendžu parish to the local government with cadastre designation 7866 004 1024
24. On the transfer of land lease agreement with Anatolia Gelihu Lendžu parish to the local government with cadastre designation 7866 004 1191
25. On the lease of land belonging to the local government with cadastre designation 7870 003 1038, entering into a land lease with Piotru Sivecu IN parish Maltas
26. On the lease of the land unit of the local government with cadastre designation 7870 003 1369, the conclusion of a land lease with a long Ragozina Maltas civil parish
27. On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 7870 003 0138, the conclusion of a land lease with Anna Samuilov IN the parish OF Maltas
28. On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 7872 002 0119, the conclusion of a land lease with Arthur Tussu IN THE parish OF Mākoņkalna
29. On the lease of the land covered by the municipality with cadastre designation 7888 006 0017, the conclusion of a land lease with Dimitrijs Železkin Silmalas parish
30. On the lease of a reserve land fund with cadastre designation 7850 007 0024, the conclusion of a land lease with Egita Kaidani IN parish Dricānu
31. On the lease of the land unit of the reserve land fund with cadastre designation 7860 006 0293, the conclusion of a land lease with Nikolai Kurašov IN THE parish OF Kantinieku
32. On land units of the reserve land fund with cadastre designations 7882 003 0033, 7882 001 0126 leasing, land lease contract with Nina Dreimani Rikavas civil parish
33. On the lease of the reserve fund with cadastre designation 7882 003 0561, the conclusion of a land lease with Valeria Jasinski Rikavas parish
34. On the lease of a reserve land fund with cadastre designation 7888 015 0261, the conclusion of a land lease with Svetlanu Ionina IN THE parish OF Silmalas
35. On the lease of a reserve land fund with cadastre designation 7888 007 0208, the conclusion of a land lease with Alexei Ksendzov IN THE parish OF Silmalas
36. On the lease of a reserve land fund with cadastre designation 7888 012 0071, the conclusion of a land lease with Nadeždu Pozdnakov IN parish Silmalas
37. On the lease of a reserve land fund with cadastre designation 7888 006 0018, the conclusion of a land lease with Dimitrijs Železkin Silmalas parish
38. On the land unit of the reserve land fund with cadastre designations 78880030080, 78880030305, 78880070430, 78880150163, 78880150336, 78880140290 leasing, land lease with limited liability company Staicopper in Silmalas civil parish
39. Amending the Land Rental Agreement No 29 of 13 January 2012 with Modri Samos IN parish Mākoņkalna
40. On the termination of the land lease contract of 3 September 2007 with Ustinia Adejanov IN parish Rikavas
41. On the amendment of the land lease agreement of 26 March 2009 with Anatolia Kamkovski in Sturganu civil parish
42. On the decision of the Rēzekne District Council of 5 July 2012 “on the lease of a reserve land fund with cadastre designation 7876 006 0577, the conclusion of a land lease with Leonid Počkajevu Ozolaines parish” as null and void
43. On the issuance of a permit for the development of sand – gravel and sand deposits “wind” in SIA “quarry EU” Rēzekne municipality in parish Čornajas
44. On the recovery of the arrears of immovable property tax in unresolved order from Anatolia Pušnakov
45. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from Ilmārs Zvīdra
46. On the recovery of the overdue real estate tax payment in a non-dispute order from Yelena Vaičule
47. On the conclusion of a rental contract with Arkadia Chernov in Sturganu civil parish
48. On the termination of the rental contract with Fedosju Novikov IN THE parish OF Dricānu
49. On the termination of the rental contract with Valentine Chernov in Sturganu civil parish
50. On renting the residential space to Zitai Andrejeva parish
51. On amendments to the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 21 June 2012 “on letting the residential space for Martin Ragozins in Sturganu civil parish”
52. On the renewal of a social housing lease with Irinu Hodovceva in Sturganu civil parish
53. On the renewal of the social housing lease with Anita Laganovsk in Sturganu civil parish
54. On the renewal of a social housing lease with Larisa Kukuskin in Sherjan civil parish
55. On the approval of a supplement to the housing issues of the local government of the Register of Persons, by renting the residential premises owned or leased by the local government, approval (in accordance with the general procedure)
56. On the amendment of the Register of Persons in the Housing Issues of the Register of Persons, by renting the approval of a residential space owned or leased by a local government in the general order
57. On the taking into account OF the erdf project “Development of water holdings in the municipality of Rēzekne Kantinieku parish Liuja village”
58. On the allocation of municipal budget funds to increase equity capital IN SIA “Viļānu hospital”
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