Rēzekne District Council meeting (03.04.2014)

Publicēts: 03.04.2014

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020


1. On the issue of the binding Regulation No. 25 of the municipality of Rezekne of 3 April 2014 on amendments to the binding Regulation No 1 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 4 July 2013 on the issuance of the “Statute of the municipality of Rezekne”

2. On the clarification of the binding Regulation No 25 of the municipality of Rezekne of 20 March 2014 “amending the binding Regulation No 30 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 17 June 2010 on the management rules of the Rēzekne municipality”

3. On the amendment of the municipal council OF the municipality of Rezekne Audriņu
4. On the amendment of the municipal council OF the municipality of Rezekne Bērzgales
5. On the amendment of the municipal council OF the municipality of Rezekne Čornajas
6. On amendments to the regulations of the municipal council OF the municipality OF Rezekne Dricānu
7. On the amendment of the municipal council OF the municipality of Rezekne Feimaņu
8. On the amendment of the municipal council OF the municipality of Rezekne Gaigalavas
9. On amendments to the law of the municipality OF Rēzekne Municipality Griškānu
10. On amendments to the regulations of the municipal council OF the municipality OF Rezekne Ilzeskalna
11. On the amendment of the municipal council OF the municipality of Rezekne Kantinieku
12. On the amendment of the municipal council OF the municipality of Rezekne Kaunatas
13. On the amendment of the municipal council OF the municipality of Rezekne Lendžu
14. On amendments to the regulations of the municipal council OF the municipality OF Rezekne Lūznavas
15. On amendments to the regulations of the municipal council OF the municipality OF Rezekne Maltas
16. On the amendment of the municipal council OF the municipality of Rezekne Mākoņkalna
17. On the amendment of the municipal council OF the municipality of Rezekne Nagļu
18. On amendments to the regulations of the municipal council OF the municipality OF Rezekne Nautrēnu
19. On the amendment of the municipal council OF the municipality of Rezekne Ozolaines
20. On the amendment of the municipal council OF the municipality of Rezekne Ozolmuižas
21. On the amendment of the municipal council OF the municipality of Rezekne Pušas
22. On the amendment of the municipal council OF the municipality of Rezekne Rikavas
23. On amendments to the municipal regulations OF the municipality OF Rezekne Sakstagala
24. On amendments to the regulations of the municipal council OF the municipality OF Rezekne Stoļerovas
25. On amendments to the regulations of the municipal council OF the municipality OF Rezekne Stružānu
26. On amendments to the regulations of the municipal council OF the municipality OF Rezekne Silmalas
27. On amendments to the regulations of the municipal council OF the municipality OF Rezekne Vērēmu
28. On the amendment of the Law on the Social Service of the municipality of Rezekne
29. On the transfer of unbuilt land parcels to Jurim Babrov IN Kantinieku civil parish
30. On the transfer of unbuilt land parcels to Gunta Taurina IN parish Ozolmuižas
31. On residential property station street 11-3, Maltā, Maltas parish, Rezekne municipality, transfer to Oxana Jakusenka
32. Regarding the approval of the procedures for the selection of information to be published on immovable property – premises – lease information and lease tenders
33. On the granting of a benefit to former PRESIDENT of the Council, Mr Wilhelm Butler, President OF the Council
34. On the approval of the tariffs of the services provided in the water tourism development centre “LIGHTHOUSE” IN Gaigalavas civil parish
35. On the approval of rental fees, vehicle rental fees and other services IN THE parish Kantinieku
36. On the allocation of Lake Feimaņu fish nets for captive fishing for 2014
37. On the allocation of the fish networks of the Lake Pujatu Lake for captive fishing for 2014
38. On the delineation of Zoya Auzina's estate and the specification of the area IN parish Ilzeskalna
39. On the transfer of land units with cadastre designation 7862 004 0275 to the local government in the county of Čornajas
40. On the transfer of land unit with cadastre designation 7876 001 0646 to the local government in the parish OF Ozolaines
41. On the determination of the status of land unit with cadastre designation 7850 007 0446 IN parish Dricānu
42. On the distribution OF land units with cadastre designation 7852 003 0052 IN parish Feimaņu
43. On the distribution OF municipal immovable property with cadastre number 7858 006 0386 IN parish Ilzeskalna
44. On the addition of land units with cadastre designations 7856 001 1207 and 7856 001 1208 for immovable property “Greiškans” by cadastre number 7856 001 0244 Griškānu civil parish
45. On the merger OF land units IN Lūznavas civil parish
46. On the merger of land units with cadastre designations 7878 003 0147 and 7878 003 0148 IN parish Ozolmuižas
47. On the recognition of the decision of the Council of the Republic of Rēzekne Čornajas of 11 February 2009 on the recognition of land-use rights for Makei Bogdanov as null and void and amending the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 29 December 2009 “on the land units of the municipality of Rezekne and the land units of the municipality of Rezekne, the State-owned and non-built land units and land use for the completion of land reform”
48. On damages for Nadejdai Melne
49. On the conclusion of the administrative contract and the change of destination of the immovable property “hills plus” by a change in the purpose of use of cadastre No 7896 007 0291
50. On the recalculation of real estate tax to Matild Turlaya
51. On the recovery of overdue real estate tax payments in unresolved order from Yevgenia Chiževska
52. On the recovery of the overdue real estate tax payment in a non-dispute order from Vitalia Ivanova
53. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from Victor Ribaka
54. On renting the residential space to Lindai Klimanei IN THE parish OF Kaunatas
55. On renting the residential space to Sabine Gailumei IN parish Nautrēnu
56. On the switching of the rental contract with Margita Levaškevich IN THE parish OF Stružānu
57. On the termination of the rental contract of the social housing area with the type of Zinhatred and the conclusion of a rental contract with the Arvdu type IN parish Stružānu
58. On the exclusion of Roland Dembovsky, Ineta Dembovsk and Sandija Dembovsk from the rental contract No 26-2004 Lendžu
59. On the renewal of the social housing lease in Vitalijs Duminam Stružānu parish
60. On the renewal of the social housing lease agreement for Arthur Glyde Stružānu
61. On the renewal of the social housing lease agreement for Anna Chernuskina IN THE parish OF Stružānu
62. On the renewal of the social housing lease agreement for Olga Zaurinai Stružānu parish
63. On the renewal of the social housing lease agreement for Antoņinai Estonia IN Stružānu civil parish
64. On the renewal of the social housing lease contract for Angela Agafonoor Stružānu civil parish
65. On the approval (first and foremost) of the municipal housing issues of the Register of Persons in Solving the Housing Issues of the Register of Persons, renting the Residential Rooms owned or leased by the Municipality
66. Regarding the approval of the amendments to the Register of Persons in the Housing Issues of the Register of Persons, by renting residential premises owned or leased by the local government (first and foremost)
67. On the approval of amendments to the register of persons, the settlement of municipal aid apartment issues by renting residential premises owned or leased by the municipality (emergency aid)
68. On the approval of amendments to the register of persons in the settlement of municipal housing issues by renting residential premises owned or leased by a local government (in general order)

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