Rēzekne District Council meeting (05.06.2014)

Publicēts: 26.05.2014

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020

On the agenda:

1. On the binding Regulation No 31 of the municipality of Rezekne of 5 June 2014 “Procedures for the registration, reception and deduction of pre-school children in the pre-school educational institutions of the municipality of Rezekne and in institutions implementing the pre-school education programme”

2. Amending the rules on the social risk of children/young people exposed to the social risk of the Council of Interinstitutional Cooperation: reduction of social exclusion in by-laws

3. The determination of the value of the obligation in the event of the disposal of immovable property in the event of an obligation

4. Regarding amendments to the regulations of the pedagogical medical commission of the municipality of Rezekne

5. On the dismissal of Mr Sarmite Mejule, Director of the Pricana High School

6. On the Unbuilt land unit of the municipality of Rezekne in Ilzeskalna civil parish with cadastre designation 7858 002 0102 for the recognition of the lease of land lease rights as non-existent

7. On the sale of the municipal estate of the municipality of Rezekne – “People's house” – the approval of the auctioning rules and the notional price

8. On movable property – a combination of two boilers and movable property consisting of two dismantled boilers and the sale of smoke in an oral auction with an upward step

9. Regarding approval of the results of the selection of immovable property – premises of premises of premises

10. On the determination of the notional price of the immovable property “spruce” with cadastre No 7844 004 0277

11. On the determination of the notional price of the immovable property with cadastre No 6874 004 0019

12. About the ½ minds from the real estate “dunduri”, Feimaņi, the transfer of Feimaa parish to Marim Romakam

13. On the transfer of the rights of the residential house “new house 1”, Dricans, Dricana parish, Rēzekne municipality to the authorised person of apartment owners

14. On the transfer of the rights of the residential house “new house 2”, Dricans, Dricana parish, Rēzekne municipality to the authorised person of apartment owners

15. On the transfer of the right of residence of the residential house “groztalas”, Dricans, Dricana parish, Rēzekne municipality to the trustee of apartment owners

16. On the transfer of the residential house “house 4”, Dricani, Dricana civil parish, the transfer of the right of administration of Rezekne municipality to the trustee of apartment owners

17. On the transfer of the right of residence of the residential house “maple”, Dricans, Dricana parish, Rēzekne municipality to the authorised person of apartment owners

18. On the transfer of the right of residence of the residential house “creeks”, Dricans, Dricana parish, Rēzekne municipality to the authorised person of apartment owners

19. On the allocation of the limits of the fish network of Lake Saktova for captive fishing for 2014

20. On the allocation of Lake Sala fish nets for captive fishing for 2014

21. On the issuance of a permit for commercial activities in fisheries EVERY “SAINT POND” in Viraudas Lake (Lendzu civil parish)

22. On the reduction of pay for Janis Bilinsky on land owned by Nautrenes civil parish

23. On the attraction of land area in the Land Register on land unit with cadastre designation 7878 002 0134 in the civil parish of Ozolmuiža

24. On the termination of land use rights for the land unit registered in the State Cadastre Information System of the State Property State in Chornajas civil parish

25. Amending the Council Decision of 22 August 2007 on the Termination of Land Use Rights as amended by the Rēzekne District Ilzeskalna civil parish

26. Amending the Council Decision of 17 September 2008 entitled “Termination of land use rights” of the Council of the Rēzekne District, Ilzeskalna parish

27. Amending the Council Decision of 23 January 2009 on the termination of land-use rights and the lease of land to Belov

28. On the division of land units with cadastre designations 7880 002 0021, 7880 002 0124, 7880 003 0190 by land use

29. On the land unit with cadastre designations 7846 007 0343 and 7846 009 0080 in the municipality of Chornajas

30. On the Jurisdiction of Land Units in the municipality of Ilzeskalna

31. On the Jurisdiction of Land Units in the municipality of Nagles

32. On land units with cadastre designation 7874 005 0368 in the municipality of Nagles

33. On the Jurisdiction of Land Units in the municipality of Maltese

34. On the land unit with cadastre designations 7880 001 0024, 7880 004 0114, 7880 005 0078, 7880 005 0127 and 7880 006 0294 in the municipality of pušas

35. On land unit with cadastre designations 7888 001 0138, 7888 003 0162, 7888 012 0194, 7888 012 0195, 7888 014 0127 and 7888 015 0210 for the municipality of Silmalas civil parish

36. On the distribution of the municipal estate with cadastre number 7846 004 0066 in the municipality of Chornajas

37. On the approval of the land-use project Darjus Dargis for immovable property “Boyar home” in Gaigalavas civil parish

38. On the conclusion of a hunting agreement with the hunter association “Chornajas” in Čornajas civil parish

39. On the conclusion of the contract on the use of hunting area with the “dyspnoea” of the hunters' association in the parish of Audrina, Verems and Ozolmuiža

40. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in an uncontested order from Ainars Ishpura

41. On the recovery of the arrested real estate tax in the form of a non-dispute from Diana Anjanes

42. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from the Government of Anjan

43. On the recovery of the overdue real estate tax payment in a non-dispute order from Janis Anchupan

44. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in an uncontested order from Lucia Alšānes

45. On the recovery of the overdue real estate tax payment in a non-dispute order from Victor Augustan

46. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from Mars Augustan

47. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from Nadeždas Aukstares

48. On the recovery of the arrested real estate tax in the form of a non-dispute from Pāvela Avdoščenkova

49. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in an uncontested order from Veronica Avgustova

50. On the recovery of the arrested real estate tax in the form of a non-dispute from Anita Babanes

51. On the recovery of the overdue real estate tax payment in a non-dispute order from the Valda Bambala

52. On the recovery of the arrested real estate tax in the form of a non-dispute from the Baron of Sardinia

53. On the recovery of the overdue real estate tax payment in a non-dispute order from Jura Batan

54. On the recovery of the overdue real estate tax payment in a non-dispute order from Voldemara Bartua

55. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from Vitalia Bedrjagina

56. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from Izoldes Beķeres

57. On the recovery of arrears in the form of a tax on immovable property from Svetlana Belkina

58. On the recovery of the arrested real estate tax in the form of a non-dispute from Veronica Belova

59. On the recovery of the arrested real estate tax in undispute from Sergei Belova

60. On the recovery of the overdue real estate tax payment in a non-dispute order from Peter Berezovsky

61. On the recovery of overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from Peter Berzins

62. On the recovery of the arrested real estate tax in the form of a non-dispute from Georgios Bibičeva

63. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from Jura trousers

64. On the recovery of the overdue real estate tax payment in a non-dispute order from John Birkul

65. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from John's groves

66. On the recovery of the arrested real estate tax in an unsettled order from Agrita Birzule

67. On the recovery of the arrears of immovable property tax in an uncontested order from Stepana Bokoteja

68. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from Arvda Bondara

69. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from Evalda Bodge

70. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from John's poetry

71. On the recovery of the arrested real estate tax in the form of a non-dispute from the Cancans of Mars

72. On the recovery of the arrested real estate tax in an unsettled order from Artur Kaupera

73. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from Joseph Taylor

74. On the recovery of the arrears of immovable property tax in a non-dispute order from the company with limited liability “Grinfelds”

75. On the recovery of overdue immovable property tax on a non-dispute basis from a company with limited liability “PUDNAMENTS”

76. On the recognition of the right of renting of residential premises in the civil parish of Alejevai Kantinieku

77. On the recognition of the right of renting of residential premises in Ritai Abilko Kantinieku civil parish

78. On the recognition of residential rental rights for Anastasia Petrovičai Maltas civil parish

79. On the recognition of the right of rental of residential premises for Victoria Orloor Silmalas civil parish

80. On letting the living room in Dainis Binduk parish

81. On renting the residential space for Anita Laganovsk in Sherjan civil parish

82. On the changeover of the rental contract with Aivi Lizdik in Sturganu civil parish

83. On the exchange of rented residential space against other rented residential space in Christine Pleanor parish

84. On the termination of the rental contract with Nikolai Bekasov in Sturganu civil parish

85. On the termination of the rental contract with Inara Voronova and the conclusion of a rental contract with Karina Voronovu in Maltese civil parish

86. Regarding additions to the solving of the residential housing issues of the Register of Persons, by renting residential premises owned or leased by the local government, approval (first and foremost)

87. Regarding the approval of the amendments to the Register of Persons in the Housing Issues of the Register of Persons, by renting residential premises owned or leased by the local government (first and foremost)

88. On the approval of a supplement to the housing issues of the local government of the Register of Persons, by renting the residential premises owned or leased by the local government, approval (in accordance with the general procedure)

89. Regarding the approval of the amendments to the Register of Persons in the Housing Issues of the Register of Persons, by renting residential premises owned or leased by the local government, approved by the General Procedures

90. On the award of the project “promoting economic independence and equal opportunities in the labour market in Rēzekne and Rezekne for women after parental leave”

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