Rēzekne District Council meeting (06.04.2017)

Publicēts: 28.03.2017

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020


1. On the specification of the binding Regulation No 82 of the municipality of Rezekne of 2 March 2017 “Procedures for the provision and use of public water services in the municipality of Rezekne municipality”

2. On the approval of the Action Plan and Investment Plan of the updated Rēzekne District Development Programme 2012-2018

3. On the participation of the municipality of Rezekne in the association “Lzerland” of the tourism association of Latgale region

4. Regarding the transfer of decision-making rights to the legal and record-keeping unit of the municipality of Rezekne

5. On the amendment of the law of the legal and administrative department of the municipality of Rezekne

6. On the street of real estate (number), Rikava, Rikavas parish,

approval of auction results

7. On the recording of apartment properties in the Land Register

8. The “name” OF the property “name” Čornajas for the disposal of parish A. Š.

9. On the transfer of immovable property “name” Maltas for disposal in V. L.

10. On the transfer of immovable property “name” Vērēmu parish to alienation A. N.

11. On the amendment of the decision of the Rēzekne municipality council of 18 August 2016 “on the approval of the costs of educated catering in the educational institutions of the municipality of Rezekne” in Annex No. 1 “average cost of childcare of pre-school children (one day) in the municipality of Rezekne municipality”

12. On the national budget target for the remuneration of artistic collective managers and compulsory national social insurance contributions in 2017

13. On Ismera - the allocation of the fish network of Lake Zogota fish nets for self-consumption fishing for 2017

14. On the allocation of the fish network of the Lake Pujatu Lake for captive fishing for the year 2017

15. On the allocation of Lake Razna lake fish nets for self-consumption fishing for 2017

16. On the allocation of the fish network of the Solorer Lake Fish Network for self-consumption fishing for 2017

17. On the allocation of Lake Sedzera fish nets for captive fishing for 2017

18. The termination of land-use rights. K. to land unit with cadastre designation (…) Audriņu civil parish

19. Updating of land unit with cadastre designation (…) by land use types IN parish Ozolaines

20. On the merger of land units with cadastre designations (…) and (…) in parish Griškānu

21. On the determination of the status of an intermediate unit for a land unit with cadastre designation 7856 003 0430 Griškānu civil parish

22. On the distribution of land in the municipality with cadastre designation (…) in parish Audriņu

23. Regarding correction of the clerical error in the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 16 March 2017 “regarding the specification of land unit with cadastre designation (…) in the parish OF LAND use by land use”

24. On the approval of a land application project for immovable property “name” IN Griškānu civil parish

25. On the transfer of hunting rights to the hunter association “SIA ALBA LTD” IN Nagļu civil parish

26. Amending the Agreement of 4 July 2013 on the transfer of hunting rights No_8.18/906 with a hunter association “FRIEND 1” IN parish Mākoņkalna

27. On the conclusion of the rental contract with V. Č. Stružānu civil parish

28. On the conclusion of a rental contract with D. Ž. Silmalas civil parish

29. On the amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 16 March 2017 “on the conclusion of the rental contract with V. C. Stružānu parish

30. For changing the rental contract of the residential space with F. O. Stružānu civil parish

31. The extension of rental contracts for residential premises. K. Silmalas civil parish

32. On the exchange of rented residential space against other residential residential space IN L.V. Stružānu civil parish

33. On the termination of the rental contract

34. The renting of social housing. G. Stružānu civil parish

35. On renting of social housing IN J.A. Lendžu civil parish

36. On letting a social apartment A. B. Lendžu civil parish

37. On letting a social apartment B. K. Lendžu civil parish

38. On letting a social apartment in N. D. Maltas civil parish

39. On the letting of the social housing. K. Maltas civil parish

40. On the renewal of a social housing lease

41. On change of the conditions of the loan agreement for projects “Simplified reconstruction of THE cultural house OF Bērzgales and the improvement of the adjacent area” and “repair of the heat-link boiler - primary school”

42. On the allocation of funds TO the parish administration OF Nautrēnu in connection with the provision of protection without supervision to the remaining I. K. Property owned

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