Rēzekne District Council meeting (06.06.2019)

Publicēts: 04.06.2019

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020

On the agenda:

1. On the issue of binding Regulation No 42 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 6 June 2019 “Amendments to the binding Regulation No 23 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 31 January 2019 on the budget of the municipality of Rezekne for 2019”

2. On the clarification of the binding Regulation No. 35 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 21 March 2019 “Amendments to the binding Regulation No 91 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 15 November 2012 on tree felling outside the forest in Rēzekne municipality”

3. On the approval of the 2018 public annual report of the municipality of Rezekne

4. On the dismissal of Mr Olga Jurchenko, head of the pre-school educational institution OF Bērzgales

5. On the recognition of immovable property in Street 8, Luznava, Lūznavas parish, provision of premises for the provision of public catering services in the absence of a lease right auction

6. On the approval of the results of the auction rights of the immovable property “first dambis” Nagļu

7. On the parish change of the municipality's real estate “ponds” Silmalas against immovable property “water tower” IN parish Silmalas

8. On the disposals of the municipal estate “sandtaine” Nautrēnu in the auctioning of an upward auction

9. On amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 2 May 2019 “on the recording of apartment properties in the Land Register”

10. On the transfer of apartment property No. (…), “creeks”, Dricans, Dricānu parish, disposals J. T.

11. On apartment property No. (…) On Peace Street 1, Sherjans, Stružānu parish, transfer to alienation I. Ķ.

12. On apartment property No. (…) On Peace Street 2, Sherjans, Stružānu parish, transfer to alienation A. Ž.

13. On apartment property No. (…) On border street 13V, Ozolaines parish, transfer to alienation. P.

14. On the approval of the notional price of the property “Annina” Audriņu

15. On apartment property No. (…) On youth street 3, Pušā, Pušas parish, conditional price approval

16. On apartment property No. (…) On youth street 3, Pušā, Pušas parish, conditional price approval

17. On the approval of the notional price of the property “Mikhail” Sakstagala

18. On amendments to the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 2 May 2019 “on the approval of the notional price OF the immovable property“ Shore ”Ilzeskalna parish”

19. On amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 2 May 2019 “on apartment property No (…) Raznas Street 24, Kaunatā, Kaunatas parish, notional price approval '

20. On the allocation of Lake Feimaņu fish nets for captive fishing for 2019

21. On the allocation of the Gailums Lake Fish Network Limits for 2019

22. On the approval of service charges in the municipality unit of Rezekne “Bērzgales parish administration”

23. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Rēzekne municipality of 29 December 2009 “on the land units of the municipality of Rezekne and the land units owned and not built by the municipality, the State-owned and non-built land units and land use for the completion of land reform” in the list of Annex No 7 Griškānu parish

24. On the registration of land units with cadastre signs 7846 003 0191, 7846 003 0266 and 7846 003 0075 registered in the Land Register in the Land Register on the parish of the municipal name Čornajas

25. On the updating OF THE graphical annex of THE inherited land IN parish Čornajas

26. On I. Deletion of the graphical annex of the legacy land IN parish Silmalas

27. On the determination of the status of an intermediate unit for a land unit with cadastre designation 7876 006 0453 Ozolaines civil parish

28. On the distribution of land in the municipality with cadastre designation 7846 006 0065 in parish Čornajas

29. On the merger OF land units with cadastre designations 7872 008 0233 and 7872 008 0304 IN parish Mākoņkalna

30. On the merger OF land units IN parish Sakstagala

31. The possibility of settling a settlement in civil proceedings No. C26096018 (CA-0182-19)

32. On the conclusion of a lease contract with SIA “bite Latvia” IN Nagļu parish, Rezekne municipality

33. On the conclusion of a lease contract with SIA “bite Latvia” IN Stoļerovas parish, Rezekne municipality

34. On the extension of the Term Lease Agreement No 6.1/24 of 7 May 2014 and the new version of the Land Rental Agreement

35. On the extension of the Term Lease Agreement No_6.1/28 of 12 May 2014 and a new version of the Land Rental Agreement

36. On the termination of the terrain lease contract No 45 of 26 June 2009 with F. V. Silmalas civil parish

37. On the letting of a social apartment

38. On the renewal of a social housing lease

39. On the exchange of rented residential space against other residential residential space IN THE parish OF A.P. Stružānu

40. On amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 5 April 2018 “on the financing of the infrastructure development solutions of the municipality of Rezekne in the 2018-2020 Plan of the Latgale Planning Region by sources of financing and the harmonisation of the value of the monitoring indicators to be achieved”

41. On the project “through the Path of Innovations into the Territories of the Former Grand Duchy of Lithuania” (following the innovation path in the former Lithuanian Grand Duchy)

42. On the submission of the Interdisciplinary Approaches to Community Involution into efficient dialogue with Local authorities (interdisciplinary approach to the involvement of the public in the effective dialogue with local governments)

43. On the approval of the Rēzekne District Court (Dricānu Orphan's Court)

44. On the approval of the Rēzekne Municipality Maltas Orphan's Court

45. On the acceptance of the construction of the south-west of Rezekne

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