Rēzekne District Council meeting (15.11.2018)

Publicēts: 13.11.2018

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020

On the agenda:

1. On amendments to the municipal regulations of the municipality of Rezekne “for remuneration in the municipality of Rezekne”

2. On the approval of the laws of the municipality of Rezekne

3. On the appointment of Heads of Government of the municipality of Rezekne in posts

4. On the allocation of funds to the teachers of the General Educational Institutions for the payment of premiums, bonuses and cash prizes

5. On the extension of the agreement between the municipality of Rezekne and the Latvian Association of Education and Science employees in Rezekne and Viļānu

6. On the award of a money prize to the President of the Council and the Vice-President of the Council

7. On the recalculation of the granted allowance to former President of the Council of THE COUNCIL of Čornajas. J.

8. On the “parish” OF the estate “parish” Bērzgales cultural house room No. 43 on Ritupes Street 34, Berzgale, Bērzgales parish, Rezekne municipality, approval of the auction rights auction results

9. On the approval of the results of the auction rights auctioned by the Land unit with cadastre designation 7888 007 0441 Silmalas

10. On the approval of the results of the auction rights of land intended for the completion of land reform with cadastre designation 7888 008 0090 Silmalas

11. For non-built, local government units with cadastre designation 7846 003 0289 Čornajas parish lease right auction

12. On non-built, self-government land units with cadastre designation 7846 003 0290 Čornajas parish lease right auction

13. On non-built, self-government land units with cadastre designation 7882 002 0112 Rikavas parish lease right auction

14. On the recognition of movable property in parish Čornajas

15. On the sale of movable property – tractor trailer 2PTS 4 – in an oral auction with an upward step IN THE parish OF Lendžu

16. On the transfer of the immovable property “hill” Ilzeskalna parish to the disposal of V. B.

17. On the transfer of the immovable property “senleja” Ilzeskalna to alienation G. L.

18. On the transfer of the property “Eve” Ilzeskalna to the alienation O. Š.

19. On the transfer of the immovable property “Simona” Stoļerovas to the divestment L. R.

20. On the transfer of the property of the property “Diana” Stoļerovas to L.R.

21. On the transfer of the property of the immovable property “groves 1” Stoļerovas to alienation. G.

22. On apartment property No. (number) in the future street 3, Chornais, Čornajas parish, approval of the notional price

23. On apartment property No. (number) in the future street 3, Chornais, Čornajas parish, approval of the notional price

24. On apartment property No. (number) in miera Street 4, Chornais, Čornajas parish, approval of notional price

25. On the approval of service charges IN Dricānu civil parish

26. On the exclusion of a fixed asset from the municipal council of the municipality of Rezekne Silmalas parish government and scrapping

27. On the write-off of non-hopeless debtors' debts in the municipality OF Rēzekne Municipality Lendžu

28. On the merger of land units with cadastre designations 78580060490 and 78580060583 IN parish Ilzeskalna

29. On the approval of the land-use project for immovable property “oši” IN Dricānu civil parish

30. On the termination of the operation of the land lease contract No 35 of 1 September 2006. J. Griškānu civil parish

31. On the amendment of the rural lease contract No 58 of 19 September 2013 by V. J. Kaunatas civil parish

32. On the amendment of the rural lease contract No 8-7.1/63 of 27 December 2012 by A. S. Stoļerovas civil parish

33. On the renewal of a social housing lease

34. On the letting of a social apartment

35. On the transfer of the project of the Rēzekne District Development Programme 2019-2025 to public consultation

36. Regarding the recognition of the immovable property “Laucenes” building “workshop” in Bekis, Ozolaines parish, Rezekne municipality, the recognition of the lease of premises for economic activity of the rental right as non-acquainted and transferred in a re-lease right auction


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