Rēzekne District Council meeting (15.12.2016)

Publicēts: 19.12.2016

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020

At the agenda of the meeting of the Council:
1. On the issue of binding Regulation No 76 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 15 December 2016 “Procedures for the registration, reception and deduction of pre-school children in the educational institutions of the municipality of Rezekne”
2. On the issue of binding Regulation No 77 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 15 December 2016 “Amendments to the binding Regulation No 54 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 4 June 2015 on social aid benefits in Rēzekne municipality”
3. On the establishment of the Commission for the evaluation of the network of educational institutions
4. On the recalculation of the granted allowance to former President of the Council of Pušas. M.
5. On the recalculation of the granted allowance to former PRESIDENT of the Council of Kantinieku. P.
6. Amending the purchase agreement of 2 May 2007 and the contract for the pledging of the privatisation object with K. S.
7. On the “…” Vērēmu parish notional price approval
8. On the approval of an apartment property “..”, in Dricans, Dricānu parish, the approval of a notional price
9. On the approval of an apartment property “..”, in Dricans, Dricānu parish, the approval of a notional price
10. On the termination of the lease contract No 1/2009 of 20 May 2009 with EVERY “Spirit ponds” IN parish Lendžu
11. On the allocation of the fishing nets of Lake Chernoste for commercial fishing for 2017
12. On the allocation of Lake Kauguru fish nets for captive fishing for the year 2017
13. On the allocation of fish nets of the Lake Laboratory Lake for self-consumption fishing for 2017
14. On the allocation of Lake Razna lake fish nets for self-consumption fishing for 2017
15. On the allocation of Lake Sala fish nets for captive fishing for the year 2017
16. On the allocation of the fish network of Lake Virauda for captive fishing for the year 2017
17. On the reduction of pay in M. M. on land granted in parish Dricānu
18. On amendments to the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 17 February 2011 “on the termination OF land-use rights LZIR WITH the land units registered with the condition, for which no application for the adoption of a decision on land redemption in the parish OF Mākoņkalna parish” and the Rēzekne District Council of 7 April 2011 “on the Jurisdiction of Land Units in parish Mākoņkalna parish” has not been submitted by 31 August 2010
19. Updating of land unit with cadastre designation (…) by land use types IN parish Griškānu
20. On the merger of land units with cadastre designations (…) and (…) in parish Dricānu
21. On the approval of a land-use project for immovable property “…” Audriņu civil parish
22. On the transfer of hunting rights to the hunter society “Dora” IN Nautrēnu civil parish
23. On the termination of the land lease contract No 46 of 1 January 2009 with A. V. Silmalas civil parish
24. Amending Annex I to the rural lease contract No 52 of 28 June 2009. T. Kantinieku civil parish
25. The termination of the land lease contract No 30 of 21 February 2012 with A. R. Mākoņkalna civil parish
26. On the termination of the land lease contract No 8.7.1/400 of 6 July 2016 and the lease of the land unit of the municipality with cadastre designation (…), the conclusion of a land lease with SIA “Park house” IN park Lūznavas parish
27. On the termination of the land lease contract No 163 of 29 July 2016 with K. A. a part of the unit of land with the cadastre designation (…) Mākoņkalna civil parish
28. On the recalculation of real estate tax in the parish OF Ozolaines
29. On the recovery of overdue immovable property tax payments in a non-dispute procedure
30. On the conclusion of a rental contract with J.S. Stružānu civil parish
31. On the conclusion of the rental contract of the residential space with S. S. Stružānu civil parish
32. On the extension of rental contracts for residential premises
33. On the termination of rental contracts
34. The refusal to enter into a rental contract with I. Ū. Kaunatas civil parish
35. The refusal to enter into a rental contract with Mr Barroso. V. Kaunatas civil parish
36. On letting the social housing in K. K. Lūznavas civil parish
37. On letting a social apartment in I. B. Stružānu civil parish
38. On the renewal of the social housing lease contract L. Stružānu civil parish
39. On the exclusion of persons from the Court of First Order of the municipality of Rezekne
40. On the allocation of funds FOR the protection of the parish OF Nautrēnu for the protection of parish without supervision of the remaining I. K. Property owned
41. On the submission of the project application “reconstruction of the district of the municipality of municipal significance Ilzeskalna and Vērēmu parish” IN THE LAD project competition and the provision of co-financing
42. On the approval of the application for “reduction of sport traumatism and the attraction of the population of the border region to healthy life”
43. On the approval of the results of the auction of movable property — tractor T-150K
44. On the approval of a land-use project for immovable property “…” Lūznavas civil parish

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