Rēzekne District Council meeting (16.03.2017)

Publicēts: 17.03.2017

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020

On the agenda

1. On the approval of the methodological instructions of the municipality of Rezekne “determining the price of services in the capital companies of the municipality of Rezekne”

2. On the entry into the Land Register of apartment property youth street 1-18, Luznava, Lūznavas parish

3. On the recognition of a local government movable property – immovable property “Sochu forest”, Gaigalavas civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, felling No. 67 and No. 68 – recognition of the auction as non-meeting

4. On the disposal of immovable property “dew” with cadastre No 7866 003 0281 in parish Lendžu

5. On the transfer of immovable property “name” Griškānu parish to alienation V. Ļ.

6. On the approval of the “name” OF the immovable property “name” Stoļerovas

7. On the conclusion of an agreement with SIA “IMG Trading” IN Vērēmu civil parish

8. On the amendment of the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 16 June 2016 on the approval of service charges IN parish Čornajas

9. On the allocation of Lake Feimaņu fish nets for captive fishing for 2017

10. On the allocation of Solorer Lakes Fish Grids for self-consumption fishing for 2017

11. Amending Agreement No_8.18/804 of 17 November 2016 on the transfer of hunting rights to the hunter society “eternal call - SSS” IN parish Ilzeskalna

12. On the transfer of hunting rights to the hunter association “Bikavieši” IN Gaigalavas civil parish

13. On the transfer of hunting rights to the hunter club “forest irbe” IN Pušas civil parish

14. On the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 7 March 2013 on the termination of land use rights V. M. per unit of land with cadastre designation (…) Invalidation of Feimaņu parish

15. The termination of land-use rights. P. and D. P. on land unit with cadastre designation (…) 3/16 for presumed parts IN parish Dricānu

16. On termination of land use rights F. J. to land unit with cadastre designation (…) Lūznavas civil parish

17. On the allocation of land to the local government with cadastre designation 7878 004 0155 in parish Ozolmuižas

18. Updating of land unit with cadastre designation (…) by land use types IN parish Dricānu

19. Updating of land unit with cadastre designation (…) by land use types IN parish Sakstagala

20. On the approval of a land application project for real estate “name” and “name” IN Griškānu civil parish

21. On the termination of land lease contract No 8-7.1/679 of 20 March 2014 with J. L. Feimaņu civil parish

22. On the conclusion of a rental contract with J.P. Maltas civil parish

23. On the conclusion of the rental contract with V. C.Stružānu civil parish

24. On the exchange of rented residential space against other residential residential space. K. Stružānu civil parish

25. On the termination of rental contracts

26. On the renting of social housing in M. D. Lūznavas civil parish

27. On the renewal of social housing contracts

28. On the taking of a loan project for the implementation of the project “Prezma-Lisovski-loi”

29. On the extension of the lease rights of the industrial fishing Gaigalavas parish

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