Rēzekne District Council meeting (17.05.2012)


On the binding Regulation No. 80 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 17 May 2012 on the binding regulation No 77 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 5 April 2012 “amending the binding Regulation No 31 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 17 June 2010 on the procedures for the removal of tree felling outside the forest land in the territory of Rezekne District”
Amending Annex 1 to the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 16 December 2010 on the approval of the list of posts and monthly salaries of the municipality of Rezekne
On the immovable property of the municipality of Rezekne with cadastre number 7850 008 0065 and seizure of cadastre number 7850 006 0072 IN parish Dricānu
On amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 2 February 2012 “on the determination of the notional price of immovable property by cadastre No 7858 001 0152”
Amending the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 2 February 2012 “on the determination of the notional price of the immovable property“ dawn 141 ”by cadastre No 7876 001 0540”
Amending the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 2 February 2012 on the determination of the notional price of the immovable property “Kuļņeva” by cadastre No 7858 004 0055
On consent to land acquisition by companies with limited liability “LATGEO Invest” in Lūznavas civil parish
On the approval of charges for rent and management fees for the municipality's residential fund IN parish Bērzgales
On the approval of tariffs for the collection and export of waste in parish Bērzgales
On the approval of tariffs for water supply and sewerage services IN parish Pušas
On the approval of tariffs for vehicles and office services IN the rural territory OF Pušas
On the approval of tariffs for vehicle services IN THE rural territory OF Ozolaines
On the leasing of massage equipment for the family outside Jelena Dinilov IN the parish OF Lūznavas
On the deletion of Ganafony Uļanov's real estate tax debt
On the deletion of the immovable property tax debt to a limited liability company “State Agency for Construction Energy and Housing”
On the allocation of the limits of Parts, Kaunatas, St., Chernoste, Vurwood Lakes fish nets for self-consumption fishing for 2012
On the allocation of fish network limits for Lake Vurvua
On the conclusion of a lease of industrial fishing rights with Valentine Pridan
On the conclusion of a lease of industrial fishing rights with Vladislav Meuran
On the conclusion of a lease of industrial fishing rights with Aldi Meuran
On the conclusion of a lease of industrial fishing rights with Irinu Lizunov
On the conclusion of an industrial fishing rights lease with Antonu Aukray
On the conclusion of a lease of industrial fishing rights with Vladislava Shtekel
On the refusal to conclude an industrial fishing rights lease with Zinaide Meirani
On the conclusion of the contract on the use of hunting area with Vili Grumoldu Gaigalavas civil parish
On the termination of the land use rights of Jevgenia Judin with cadastre designation 7852 001 0086 Feimaņu civil parish
On the termination of land use rights for land units registered in the State cadastre information system of the immovable property and the transfer of land units to the local government in the municipality of Shergana
Regarding amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 19 January 2012 “on the termination of land use rights in the land units registered in the State cadastre information system of the immovable property and the transfer to the reserve ground fund IN the parish OF Čornajas”
Regarding amendments to the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 21 July 2011 “on the termination of land use rights for land units registered in the cadastre information system of the State cadastre information system and the transfer to the reserve ground fund IN the parish OF Mākoņkalna”
On the determination of the status of land unit with cadastre designation 7842 005 0312 IN parish Audriņu
On the merger of land units with cadastre designations 7850 003 0075 and 7850 003 0066 IN parish Dricānu
On the approval of a land survey project for immovable property “business park” IN Vērēmu civil parish
On the approval of a land survey project for immovable property “Lower house” IN parish Silmalas
On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 78420040363, the conclusion of a land lease with Vassilia Vorobjova IN the parish OF Audriņu
On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 78420010299, the conclusion of a land lease contract with Galina Vicbergs IN parish Audriņu
On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 7844 002 0430, the conclusion of a land lease with Sandra Lankovskau IN parish Bērzgales
On the land unit part of a land unit with cadastre designation 7846 003 0206, leasing in Jerusalos Čornajas civil parish
On the lease of the land covered by the local government with cadastre designation 7852 002 0016, the conclusion of a land lease with Juri Karaņevski Feimaņu parish
On the lease of the land covered by the local government with cadastre designation 7852 005 0075, the conclusion of a land lease with Nathalie Tichko IN THE parish OF Feimaņu
On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 7854 008 0179 to Riga Ezerasham Gaigalavas civil parish
On the lease of land belonging to the local government with cadastre designation 7854 008 0071 for the farm “slides” IN parish Gaigalavas
On the lease of land units with cadastral signs 7858 006 0407, 78580060498 to Dainim Zvdrim Ilzeskalna civil parish
On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 7868 002 0051, the conclusion of a land lease with Feodore Georgenov IN THE parish OF Lūznavas
On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 7868 004 0113, land lease contract with Juri Island Lūznavas civil parish
Cadastre designation of the land unit of the land belonging to the local government 7868 002 0204 leasing, entering into a land lease with Irinu Šehovcova IN THE parish OF Lūznavas
On the lease of land unit of land with cadastrade 6874 004 0035 to Marie Alicai Nautrēnu civil parish
On land units with cadastre designation 7876 001 1676 in the parish of Raitim Pavulam Ozolaines
On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 7876 001 2553, the conclusion of a land lease with the co-operative society “Dzintars-Garzs” IN Ozolaines civil parish
On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 7876 005 0053 for Ivan Blinov IN THE parish OF Ozolaines
On the land unit of the municipality with cadastre designations 7880 004 0514, 7880 004 0245 leasing, land lease contract with the scene Vocai Pušas civil parish
On the lease of land belonging to the local government with cadastre designation 7880 004 0135, entering into a land lease with Juri Vocsu Pušas civil parish
On the lease of the land unit with cadastre designation 7882 002 0115 to Sandrim Poplavskim Rikavas civil parish
On the lease of land belonging to the municipality with cadastre designation 7882 007 0845 for Oxanai Charikov AND Rikavas parish
On the lease of the land unit of the municipality with cadastre designation 7892 002 0268 to Anatolijs Petuhov IN THE parish OF Stoļerovas
On the lease of the land unit of the local government with cadastral designation 7896 003 0194 and the land units of the municipality with cadastre designation 7896 003 0125 for Jānis Larionov Vērēmu civil parish
On the lease of the land unit of the reserve land fund with cadastre designation 7860 006 0286 for Ludmilai Proveja Kantinieku parish
On the land unit of the reserve land fund with cadastre designation 7868 006 0039, the lease of 7868 006 0181, the conclusion of a land lease with Cornelia Vincent IN parish Lūznavas
On the lease of a reserve land unit with cadastre designations 7868 006 0072, 7868 006 0073, 7868 006 0292, land lease contract with Inta Belgium in Lūznavas civil parish
On the lease of the land unit of the reserve land fund with cadastre designation 7868 001 0044, the conclusion of a land lease contract with Francis Leu Lūznavas parish
On the land unit of the reserve ground with cadastre designation 7868 004 0026, 7868 004 0208, 7868 004 0189, 7868 004 0107, 7868 004 0050, 7868 004 0212, 7868 004 0170, 7868 004 0042, 7868 004 0019, 7868 004 0043, 78680040239, 7868 004 0088 leasing, land lease contract with Juri Kosakovski Lūznavas parish
On the lease of the land unit of the reserve land fund with cadastre designation 7868 006 0039, the lease of 7868 006 0293, the conclusion of a land lease with Jasepu Danovski Lūznavas parish
On the lease of a reserve land fund with cadastre designation 7868 001 0590, the conclusion of a land lease with Irinu Šehovcova IN the parish OF Lūznavas
On the lease of the land unit of the reserve land fund with cadastre designation 7876 003 0117, entering into a land lease with Ilmārs Vaišlis Ozolaines civil parish
On the lease of a reserve land fund with cadastre designation 7878 003 0117, the conclusion of a land lease with Viktor Cherenkov IN THE parish OF Ozolmuižas
On the land unit of the reserve land fund with cadastre designations 7880 004 0243, 7880 004 0244 leasing, land lease contract with the scene Vocai Pušas civil parish
On the lease of a reserve land fund with cadastre designation 7880 004 0131, the conclusion of a land lease with Juri Vocsu Pušas civil parish
Amending the Land Rental Agreement No 16 of 21 August 2007 with Sergei Chaku Audriņu parish
On the land lease contract No … of 30 June 2009 122 amendment of Yelen Volnuhina Audriņu parish
Amending the rural lease contract No 59 of 29 June 2009 with Yelen Bogdanov IN parish Kantinieku
Amending the rural lease contract No 9 of 20 November 2007 with Sergei Tihomirov IN parish Kantinieku
Amending the Land Rental Agreement No 24 of 27 August 2009 with Sergei Borovikov IN parish Mākoņkalna
On the amendment and extension of the land lease contract concluded on 30 May 2007 with albino in Uzulu Nautrēnu civil parish
On the termination of the land lease contract of 21 September 2007 with Ivanu Romanov IN parish Ilzeskalna
On the termination of the land lease contract of 24 September 2007 with Ludmila Romanov IN parish Ilzeskalna
On the termination of the land lease agreement with cadastre designation 7882 005 0142 with Maria Romanov IN Rikavas civil parish
Procedures for the Recovery of Deferred Immovable Property Tax Payment Proceedings from Victor Chachch
On the recovery of overdue real estate tax payment without dispute from Edgar Svench
Non-dispute Procedures for Recovery of Deferred Immovable Property Tax Payment from a Limited Liability Company “Greenfeld”
On the termination of the rental contract with Christine Bērziņš Lendžu civil parish
On the changeover of the rental contract with Natalia Kurmewa in Sturganu civil parish
On the renewal of the social housing lease with Tamara Smirnov in Sturganu civil parish
On the annulment of the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 19 April 2012 “on the renting of social housing to Veronique Marjanov AND parish OF Maltas”
On letting the living room for the marketing in Babrei Pušas civil parish
On the approval of a supplement to the housing issues of the local government of the Register of Persons, by renting the residential premises owned or leased by the local government, approval (in accordance with the general procedure)
On the amendment of the Register of Persons in the Housing Issues of the Register of Persons, by renting the approval of a residential space owned or leased by a local government in the general order
On the approval of feasibility studies and on the implementation of the investment project for the development of water holdings (crucible village) IN parish Silmalas
On the approval of feasibility studies and on the implementation of the investment project for the development of water management (Stikana village) IN parish Silmalas
On amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 20 January 2011 “on the approval of feasibility studies and on commitments for the implementation of an investment project for the development of water holdings IN parish Kantinieku”
On the award of co-financing to the open grant award of the Boris and Inara Teterev Foundation “from the population forum to the Community philanthropy”
On the allocation of financing to the association “Rēzekne District Communities Partnership”
On renting the residential space to Solvitai Meļņichenko Kaunatas civil parish
On the granting of financing to the regional administration of the National Protection Administration Latgale
On the transfer of movable property – bus SEQ. 213 UL for non-remuneration use in THE parish administration OF Kaunatas
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