Rēzekne District Council meeting (19.04.2018)

Publicēts: 16.04.2018

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020

Agenda for the meeting of the Rēzekne District Council  

1. On the report of the Municipality SIA “Silent heat” for 2017

2. On the report of the municipal SIA “Maltas apartment - utility company” for 2017

3. On the approval of the report “on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the administrative structure of the municipality of municipality”

4. Amending Regulation No 13 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 4 September 2014 “Procedures by which the theoretical and practical training of“ B ”drivers is organised in the secondary schools of Rezekne and the acquisition of driving licence”

5. Regarding amendments to the “order of the municipality of Rezekne, in which the issuance of an active recreational inventory to its users in the territory of Rezekne municipality takes place”

6. On the unbuilt land unit of the municipality of Rezekne IN parish Silmalas, with cadastre designations 7888 004 0291, 7888 004 0292, lease rights auction

7. On the sale of the property “museum” of the municipality of Rezekne, Pušas parish, with cadastre No. 7880 004 0312, in an oral auction with an upward auction

8. On sale of the municipality estate “Laucenes 3”, Ozolaines parish, with cadastre No. 7876 001 2559, in an oral auction with an upward auction

9. On the sale of the real estate of the municipality of Rezekne (1), Ilzeskalna parish, with cadastre No. 7858 002 0126, in an oral auction with an upward auction

10. On the “name” OF the municipality of Rezekne in the parish OF Lūznavas, with cadastre No (number), approval of the auction results

11. On the disposal of a part of the property “Rozentova” for the purposes of the public interest and the establishment of the Commission

12. On the transfer of apartment property (address), Ratniekos, Čornajas parish, for disposal in I. R.

13. On the transfer of apartment property (address), Greishweans, Griškānu parish, to alienation V. V.

14. On the transfer of apartment property (address), Stolerowa, Stoļerovas parish, to alienation A. M.

15. For apartment property (address), in Stockerov, Stoļerovas parish, transfer for disposal B. M.

16. On the approval of an apartment property (address), Ratniekos, Čornajas parish, notional price

17. On the approval of an apartment property (address), Stolerowa, Stoļerovas parish, notional price

18. On the approval of an apartment property (address), Stolerowa, Stoļerovas parish, notional price

19. On the transfer of unpaid parts of land retained in apartment properties free of charge from the municipality OF Rezekne, THE MUNICIPAL balance of Silmalas parish on the Balance of the municipality of Rezekne and the Balance of the Special Inboarding School of the Special Inboarding School

20. On the approval of charges for payment services in the municipality OF Rēzekne Municipality Nautrēnu

21. On the allocation of Lake Feimaņu fish nets for captive fishing for 2018

22. On the allocation of fishing nets for Solorer lakes for captive fishing for 2018

23. On the allocation of the fishing nets of the Lake Umau Lake for captive fishing for 2018

24. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Rēzekne municipality of 29 December 2009 “on the land units of the municipality of Rezekne and the land units that have been built and not built, the State-owned and non-built land units and the use of land for the completion of the reform” at No. 24 in the municipality of Sturgana

25. Updating of land unit with cadastre designation 7844 003 0169 by land use type IN parish Bērzgales

26. On specification of land unit with cadastre designation 7868 001 0624 and change of land use target IN parish Lūznavas

27. On the reorganisation of the boundaries of land units of the local government and the distribution of land units with cadastre designation 7874 002 0116 IN parish Nagļu

28. On the allocation of land to the local government with cadastre designation 7894 001 0072 in parish Stružānu

29. On amendments to the rural lease contract No (number) 7 of 24 February 2009 by J.A. Kantinieku civil parish

30. The termination of the Term Lease Agreement No 9 of 30 June 2009 with S. D. Griškānu civil parish

31. On the termination of the rural lease contract No 24 of 17 March 2014 with I. K. Kaunatas civil parish

32. On the letting of a social apartment

33. On the renewal of a social housing lease

34. On the exclusion of persons from the Court of First Order of the municipality of Rezekne

35. On the taking of a loan for the implementation of the project “Sakstagala Jānis KCo.

36. On the support of the “Ezernut 2012” project “Establishment of a co-operation centre for society Kaunatā”

37. On the approval of the project “innovative solutions”

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