Rēzekne District Council meeting (20.07.2017)

Publicēts: 17.07.2017

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020


1. On the issue of the binding Regulation No 1 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 20 July 2017 on the issuance of the municipality of Rezekne Municipality
2. On the issue of binding Regulation No. 2 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 20 July 2017 “Amendments to the binding Regulation No 81 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 26 January 2017“ on the budget of the municipality of Rezekne for the year 2017 ”
3. Amending Regulation No 12 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 4 September 2014 on the organisation and procurement of procurement by the Commission in the municipality of Rezekne
4. On amendments to the by-laws of the Rēzekne municipality competition “Rezekne Municipality”
5. On the transfer of decision-making rights to the head of the municipal social service of the municipality of Rezekne
6. On the delegation of Montweed Schwarz to the role of a member of the Development Council in the Latgale Planning Region
7. On the establishment of the administrative Commission of the municipality of Rezekne
8. On the establishment of the administrative acts of the municipality of Rezekne, establishing the Commission
9. On the establishment of the Commission of the Communications of the municipality of Rezekne
10. On the establishment of the Commission for the examination of the submissions of the politically repressed persons of the municipality of Rezekne and of the members of the national resistance movement movement
11. On the establishment of the Council of the municipality of Rezekne
12. On the establishment of the Council of the Environmental Protection Fund of the municipality of Rezekne
13. On the appointment of the Marie Declan as head of the General Registry Office
14. On the dismissal of the 1 TP22T Secondary School Headquarters
15. On the approval of the procedures for the approval of the head of office of the heads of educational institutions of the municipality of Rezekne and of the salary rates
16. On the recording of apartment properties in the Land Register
17. On the alienation of the real estate of the municipality of Rezekne IN parish Stružānu
18. Regarding amendments to the regulations of the real estate of the municipality of Rezekne
19. On the sale of movable property – passenger bus SETRA S309HD in a re-written auction at the lowest secret price
20. On the land street (address), Ratniekos, Čornajas parish, transfer for disposal
21. On the sale of apartment property in Raznas Street (address), Kaunatā, Kaunatas parish, transfer for disposal J. V.
22. For the sale of apartment property in Raznas Street (address),, Kaunatā, Kaunatas parish, transfer for disposal J. M.
23. On transfer of immovable property (name), Maltā, Maltas parish. B.
24. On the transfer of immovable property (name), Maltas parish, to alienation I. L.
25. For the transfer of immovable property (name), Nautrēnu parish, for disposal in Z. B.
26. For the transfer of immovable property (name), Ozolmuižas parish, to alienation V. Č.
27. On the approval of a real estate (name), Ozolmuižas parish, notional price
28. On the approval of a real estate (name), Vērēmu parish, notional price
29. On consent to the acquisition of apartment property in L. V. property IN parish Čornajas
30. On the approval of tariffs for water management services IN parish Griškānu
31. On the reduction of pay in G. Z. on land-owned land IN parish Ilzeskalna
32. On the reduction of pay in G. S. on land owned IN Ozolaines civil parish
33. On the determination of the status of an intermediate unit for a land unit with cadastre designation 7842 005 0599 Audriņu civil parish
34. On the approval of a land application project for immovable property (name) IN parish Bērzgales
35. On the approval of a land application project for immovable property (name), Kantinieku civil parish
36. On the approval of a land application project for immovable property (name), Lūznavas civil parish
37. On the approval of land-use project for real estate properties (name) and (name) IN Nagļu civil parish
38. On the amendment of the rural lease contract No 94 of 10 June 2009 by L. Š. Audriņu civil parish
39. On the amendment of the rural lease contract No 051 of 23 March 2007 by L. B. Ozolaines civil parish
40. On the recognition of the rental rights of the residential space and the letting of the residential space belonging to the local government V. M. Stružānu civil parish
41. On the conclusion of the rental contract with I. S. Stružānu civil parish
42. On the reversal of the rental contract of the residential space
43. On the termination of the rental contract
44. On the renting of social housing in G. R. Rikavas civil parish
45. On letting a social apartment in I. G. Stružānu civil parish
46. On the renewal of a social housing lease
47. On the acquisition of a project “acquisition of hardware for the performance of physical load tests and physical properties of physical properties for the residents of Rezekne District” from the association “be vasals”

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