Rēzekne District Council meeting (20.9.2018)

Publicēts: 19.09.2018

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020

On the agenda:

1. On compensation for Members of the Council and Members of the Commission

2. On the approval of the municipal council of the municipality of Rezekne “for compensation in the municipality of Rezekne Municipality”

3. On the approval of the Law on the Law of the Primary School

4. On the recalculation of the granted allowance to former President of the Council of THE COUNCIL of Čornajas. J.

5. On the recording of apartment property in the Land Register

6. On the termination of the lease contract with SIA “LANDSKORONA”

7. On the sale of immovable property in Alleys 95A, Rēzekne, a room for the provision of a public catering service for the provision of a public catering service

8. On immovable property in Raznas Street 38, Kaunatas parish, Rezekne municipality, auction rights auction for the performance of economic activity

9. On the approval of the results of the auction of immovable property in Raznas Street 38, Kaunatas parish, Rezekne municipality, premises of the premises of the premises of the premises of the premises of Rēzekne

10. On the approval of movable property - passenger bus ME SUE 292 - Oral auction result Silmalas

11. On the recognition of movable property – car VW SHARAN - auctioning as not found IN Silmalas civil parish

12. On the transfer of apartment property No (number), peace street 4, Chornais, Čornajas parish, surrender TO I.B.

13. For apartment property No. (number), future street 3, in Chornais, Čornajas parish, transfer for disposal N. R.

14. For apartment property No. (number), future street 3, in Chornais, Čornajas parish, transfer to alienation V. V.

15. On the “hope 99” OF real estate AT Ozolaines parish, transfer for disposal in Z. V.

16. On the “star 5” OF the estate at Ozolaines parish, transfer for disposal in Z. Ž.

17. On the approval of the immovable property “Vasilki” Čornajas, the approval of the notional price

18. On the approval of the property “honey” IN parish Dricānu, the approval of the notional price

19. On apartment property No. (number), Raznas iela 22, Kaunatā, Kaunatas parish, conditional price approval

20. On apartment property No. (number), rug street 2, Lendes, Lendžu parish, notional price approval

21. Amending the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 19 July 2018 on the determination of the notional price of the real estate “Kazuļi 1” Pušas

22. On the termination of the property “Strautmala” IN parish Griškānu, termination of disposal

23. On the termination of the sale of the immovable property “Nordas” Stoļerovas

24. Amending the Council Decision OF 5 July 2007 entitled “Termination of land-use rights and the establishment of land lease rights”

25. Amending the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 16 December 2010 entitled “Termination of land-use rights for land users IN parish Ozolmuižas”

26. Amending Annex No (number) Dricānu parish of the decision of 29 December 2009 of the Council of the Rēzekne municipality of 29 December 2009 on the land units of the municipality of Rezekne and the land units and land used by the State for the completion of land reform and land use for the completion of land reform

27. On the invalidation of the decision of the Council of the European Parliament OF 19 October 2007 on the termination of the Land Permanent Use Rights Decision of 19 October 2007

28. On the specification of land unit with cadastre designation 7870 005 0152 on land use types IN parish Maltas

29. On termination of Land Rental Contract No 892 of 5 July 2011 by A.V. Kantinieku civil parish

30. On consent to the lease of part of the land unit to a third party

31. On the examination of the submissions of the Z/S “inventories” of 27 August 2018

32. On the exchange of rented residential space against other rental housing in THE parish OF B.L. Stružānu

33. On the exchange of rented residential space against other residential residential space IN V.M. Stružānu civil parish

34. On the letting of a social apartment

35. On the renewal of a social housing lease

36. On the taking of a loan for the project “Establishment of a network of industrial territories for the promotion of entrepreneurship in the municipality of Rezekne, Rezekne and Viļānu”

37. On the taking of a loan project “Improving the municipal road infrastructure in Rezekne municipality, 1 st round”

38. On the taking of a loan project “Improving the municipal road infrastructure in Rezekne municipality, 3 rd round”

39. On the harmonisation of the Law on Licensing of Licensed Fishing Bicans, Jasper, Categrad, Eikša, Kaučera, Large Courtash, Great Solka, Small Solka, Salmeja, Zolva and Rušona lakes.

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