Rēzekne District Council meeting (20.10.2016)

Publicēts: 21.10.2016

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020


1. On the issue of the binding Regulation No. 74 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 20 October 2016 “Amendments to the binding Regulation No 1 of the municipality of Rezekne of 4 July 2013 on the establishment of the municipality of Rezekne Municipality”

2. On the amendment of the municipal council OF the municipality of Rezekne Kaunatas

3. On the amendment of the municipal council OF the municipality of Rezekne Lendžu

4. On the proposal for a change in the object and address of polling stations Nos 744, 746 and 756

5. Regarding the transfer of the decision-making rights of the holder of the capital shares of the local government

6. On the transfer of municipal residential house Stružānu parish management and management obligation to municipalities SIA “SHERJANU WARMTH”

7. Amending the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 18 July 2013 “on the establishment of the Commission”

8. On amendments to the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 18 July 2013 “on the establishment of the Council of the European Environment Protection Fund of the municipality of Rezekne”

9. On the approval of the results of the auction of movable property — light passenger car VW CARAVELLE — auction results

10. On the “…” Kantinieku parish transfer for disposal A. S.

11. On the “…” Sakstagala parish transfer A. J.

12. On the “…” Vērēmu parish transfer for disposal E. R.

13. On the approval of service charges in the municipality administration of Rezekne

14. On the approval of service charges IN the parish administration OF Feimaņu

15. On the approval of service charges IN THE parish administration OF Gaigalavas

16. On the approval of service charges IN Gaigalavas parish management unit “Water tourism development centre“ beacon ”

17. On the approval of service charges IN THE parish administration OF Lendžu

18. On the approval of service charges IN THE parish administration OF Lūznavas

19. On the approval of service charges IN the parish administration OF Sakstagala

20. On the approval of service charges IN the parish administration OF Silmalas

21. On the approval of service charges IN the parish administration OF Stoļerovas

22. On the approval of service charges IN THE parish administration OF Vērēmu

23. On the approval of service charges at the Adamowa Special Inboarding School

24. On the approval of service charges AT Maltas special boarding school

25. On the approval of service charges at the Special Inboarding School

26. On electricity supply charges AT Gaigalavas parish facilities

27. Amending the Council Decision of 21 January 2009 entitled “Termination of land use” OF the Rēzekne District Ozolaines parish

28. On the approval of a land-use project for immovable property “…” Kantinieku civil parish

29. On the approval of a land-use project for immovable property “…” Nagļu civil parish

30. On the approval of a land-use project for immovable property “…” Sakstagala civil parish

31. On the approval of a land-use project for immovable property “…” Vērēmu civil parish

32. On the termination of the land lease contract No 23 of 3 September 2007 with A. B. Rikavas civil parish

33. On the termination of the rural lease contract No 24 of 3 September 2007 by L. P. Rikavas civil parish

34. On the termination of the land lease contract No 18 of 27 August 2007 with V. B. Vērēmu civil parish

35. On the amendment of the rural lease contract No 18 of 8 May 2013 by T. G. Kaunatas civil parish

36. On the deletion of the principal debt of the immovable property tax and the payment of arrears for immovable property “…” Dricānu civil parish

37. On the recovery of overdue immovable property tax payments in a non-dispute procedure

38. On termination of the rental contract with I. L. Lūznavas civil parish

39. On extension of the rental contract of the residential space V. R. Stružānu civil parish

40. On the conclusion of a rental contract with L. L. Lūznavas civil parish

41. On the conclusion of a rental contract with A. Z. Lūznavas civil parish

42. On the conclusion of the rental contract with V. S. Stružānu civil parish

43. On the amendment of the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 19 May 2016 “on the provision of support for the submission of projects for participation in the open competition in the 1 st round of the open competition launched by the Rēzekne District Communities 2014-2020”

44. On the taking of a loan for the purchase of bus AND coach FOR the purposes of parish administration

45. On the issue of the binding Regulation No 75 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 20 October 2016 “amending the binding Regulation No 65 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 28 January 2016 on the issuance of the general budget of the municipality of Rezekne and the consolidated summary of the special budget for 2016”

46. Amending the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 19 May 2016

'On the provision of support for the submission of projects for membership

Open competition announced in the “Rēzekne District Communities Partnership”

1 st round in Latvia's rural development programme 2014-2020

47. On V. P. Exemption from the office of a MEMBER of the Rēzekne District Court OF Gaigalavas

48. On the allocation of the paid annual leave to the Chairperson of the municipality of Rezekne

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