Rēzekne District Council meeting (21.12.2017)

Publicēts: 19.12.2017

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020

1. On the issue of the binding Regulation No. 10 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 21 December 2017 “Amendments to the binding Regulation No 35 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 15 July 2010 on the procedures for the calculation of land and lease fees owned or approved by the municipality of Rezekne”

2. On the issue of binding Regulation No. 11 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 21 December 2017 “Amendments to the binding Regulation No 81 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 26 January 2017 on the government budget of the municipality of Rezekne for the year 2017”

3. Regarding the clarification of the binding Regulation No. 9 of the municipality of Rezekne of 16 November 2017 “amendment to the binding Regulation No. 54 of the municipality of Rezekne of 4 June 2015 on social aid benefits in Rezekne municipality”

4. Amending Regulation No 6 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 1 March 2012 “Procedures for the disposal of municipal immovable property and the use of the proceeds of disposal in the municipality of Rezekne”

5. On amendments to the Accounting Policies of the municipality of Rezekne

6. On the approval of Iveta Gailes as director of the municipality of Rēzekne

7. On the national budget target for the remuneration of artistic collective managers and compulsory national social insurance contributions in 2017

8. On the transfer of a flat located in Park Street 3-9, Vecružin, Silmalas parish, Rezekne municipality, free of charge from the municipality OF Rēzekne Municipality AT Silmalas parish government balance to the Balance of the Rēzekne municipality Tisky Children's House

9. On the recognition of the sale of immovable property “Vecružina boiler house” located in Lzerra Street 2, Vecružin, Silmalas parish, Rēzekne municipality, the rental of premises for economic activity of the rental right in the absence of an auction

10. On the recognition of the immovable property “Vecružina Children's Gardens” located on the Lakigale Street 5, Vecrujin, Silmalas parish, Rezekne municipality, the rental of premises for economic activities in the lease right auction as non-existent

11. On the recording of apartment properties in Land Register Čornajas civil parish

12. On the approval of the future of apartment property 5-6, Čornajas parish, notional price

13. On the approval of the notional price of the real estate “rauda 6” Feimaņu

14. On the determination of the notional price of apartment property youth street 1-49, Luznava, Lūznavas parish

15. On the transfer of the property “victory R 120”, Ozolaines parish, to the disposal of V. B.

16. On the transfer of the property “dawn 132”, Ozolaines parish, to the disposal of V. S.

17. On the disposals of the real estate “light road 102”, Ozolmuižas parish. S.

18. On the transfer of the property “Ostrovski”, Silmalas parish, to alienation O. K.

19. A reduction in pay A. K. on land-owned land IN parish Sakstagala

20. For A. J. Refinement of the boundaries of the estate and the specification of the area IN parish Audriņu

21. On V. K. delineation of legacy land borders and area IN Lūznavas civil parish

22. On the approval of a land application project for real estate “name” and “name” IN Griškānu civil parish

23. On the approval of a land application project for immovable property “name” IN Kaunatas civil parish

24. On the approval of a land application project for immovable property “name” IN Rikavas civil parish

25. On the approval of a land application project for immovable property “name”, “name”, “name”, “name”, “name”, “name” IN Vērēmu civil parish

26. Amending Agreement No_8.18/1015 of 17 December 2015 on the transfer of areas of hunting rights to the hunter society “hawk” in Sturganu civil parish

27. On the termination of the land lease contract No 16 of 23 March 2009 with V. K. Ozolmuižas civil parish

28. On the renewal of a social housing lease

29. On the letting of a social apartment

30. On the issuance of a permit for commercial activities in fisheries EVERY “Zvejsala” Luban Lake

31. On the issuance of a permit for commercial activities in fisheries SIA “kalns SA” in Razna Lake

32. On the issuance of a permit for commercial activities in fisheries SIA “ELITE LV” in Razna Lake

33. On the allocation of the fishing nets of the Lake Salai Lake for commercial fishing for 2018

34. On the allocation of Lake Sedzera fish nets for captive fishing for 2018

35. On the allocation of fishing nets for Viraudas Lake (Lendžu parish) for commercial fishing for 2018

36. On the allocation of fishing nets for Viraudas Lake (Mākoņkalna parish) for captive fishing for 2018

37. On the allocation of Lake Virauda fish nets for captive fishing for 2018

38. On the allocation of the limits of the three-brushing larvae of Tiskad Lake for commercial fishing for 2018

39. On the allocation of Luban Lake Fish Network limits for commercial fishing 2018

40. On the allocation of Lake Razna lake fish nets for commercial fishing for 2018

41. On the allocation of Lake Razna fish nets for captive fishing for 2018


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