Identity card or eID card will be mandatory when passport expires

The amendments adopted by the Saeima today, 23 February, have been adopted by the Law on Personal Identification Documents, stipulate that the introduction of the identity card or the eID card as a personal identification document will be progressive and the residents will no longer be obliged to draw up the document by 1 May of that year. The transition from passport as a compulsory personal identification document to an eID card as a mandatory document will be progressive.

In future, citizens who have not yet received an eID card will not be obliged to receive it until the expiration of the passport. At the same time, for persons aged 15 years of age, the eID card will be presented as the primary and mandatory personal identification document. The passport will henceforth be a selection document that will be drawn up if the person has such a wish. These amendments to the Law apply to all groups of residents, including seniors, as well as to Latvian citizens and non-citizens who live abroad.

the phasing-out of eID cards as a mandatory document is very positive. This will allow the administration to reduce the lines by documents and it will be much easier for citizens to receive this document only when their passport expires, avoiding the lines, ”emphasizes the head of the administration, Maira Roze.

The Board recalls that all 29 departments continue to design and issue passport and identity cards, or eID cards, in the primary form. s. Alternatively, you can log off the electronic serial number on a specific day by using a mobile app QTicket.

This solution allows management customers to enter the queue remotely using a mobile app downloaded to a smartphone QTicket and thus knowing in advance what would be the approximate waiting time and the provisional time when the service would arrive.

To allow service receipt to run successfully, change the new passport and/or eID card OBLIGATORY account should be taken of the old personal identification document that will have to be transferred to the department.

 The information was prepared by

Ministry of Citizenship and Migration Affairs

Department of Personnel Management and Public Relations


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