Login and co-operate in the development of the District Development Programme!


Other information

On 7 December 2017, a decision was taken at the meeting of the Rēzekne District Council “on the launching of the development of the Rēzekne District Development Programme 2019-2025” (protok. No. 28, § 1). In accordance with the adopted decision, it is intended to draw up a local government medium-term development planning document for the next 7 years, which will be the basis for the planned utilisation of local government budget resources for development projects and attraction of investments in accordance with the objectives set out in the programme.
The development programme development management team invites citizens, entrepreneurs, non-governmental organisations, institutions and other stakeholders to participate in the working groups organised under the development programme:



Working group

Location of the working group

at 10.00-12.00 CULTURE Rezekne municipality municipality (Rēzekne, release alley 95a, big hall, 1 st floor)
at 13.30-15.30 TRANSPORT, ENGINEERING, SECURITY, PUBLIC OUTSOURCING Rezekne municipality municipality (Rēzekne, release alley 95a, big hall, 1 st floor)
07.06.2018. at 9.00-11.00 HEALTHCARE, SOCIAL SERVICES
07.06.2018. at 12.30-14.30 GOVERNANCE AND COOPERATION

You can apply for participation in working groups:
1) sending email to info@rezeknesnovads.lv
2) by calling the local government development planning department of Rezekne, telephone 64607205
3) by sending a letter by post, addressed to the local government of Rezekne, in the Alleys of Liberation 95 A, Rezekne, LV-4601.
When you sign up, please specify contact information (name, name or company name, phone, e-mail), and the name of the group (one or more) in which you want to take part.
The local government invites the population by this year. 1 July also make written proposals for the new development programme of the municipality by sending electronically information to e-mail: info@rezeknesnovads.lv or by post (municipality of Rēzekne, Liberation Alliance 95 A, Rezekne, LV-4601).
Development of the development planning document will last until December 2018. At the time of development of the development programme, in addition to the working groups, the organisation of the population, economic operators and the organisation of public consultation is planned. The current information regarding the possibilities of public participation will continue to be found in the municipal website www.rezekness.lv.
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