“Occupation cocktail” AT Maltas secondary school
From 7 to 11 August, a camp was held AT Maltas High School - non-formal training “occupation cocktail”, which included Maltas high school young people from Classes 8 to 11. The aim of the career support measure was to introduce students with different professions and to give an opportunity to assess existing resources by linking them to labour market requirements.
Two days young people participated in various activities with which they learned to work together, to work in a team to achieve one goal, as the modern labour market requires not only employees who are able to work individually but also operate in a team. The pupils with a large azar were engaged in tasks, so they also forgot that they should act as a team to accomplish the task (e.g., go through the loop without seeing and talking to a “copy of the course work” from the games clubs, “protect” one free chair when the “zombie” walking around it would want to take it, etc.). There were also tasks where pupils had to think about their future plans.
In the next three days, the pupils met a variety of professions: both went to Daugavpils, participated in masters classes, and visited various companies. During the excursion, young people visited Daugavpils Spelling plant, where they learned the job responsibilities of the professions working there, how the production process took place and surveyed the production. At Daugavpils Mal Art Center, students knew the professions of the ceramic, the works created by them from various materials, felt in the role of masters and created their own workshops. It was interesting to be in the photographer of the photographer, because it gave him the chance to find out the photographer's duties, to find out what the photographer was, what personalities it had to possess and, of course, to feel a photographer. When they visited Fitness's masterclass, the pupils knew the place of their treasure, looked at what kind of equipment they were using, and tried their own ways. From the novelist, we learned the duties of various military personnel, the training and job opportunities for the National Guard, the newsguard instructor, THE NBS soldier. The young people tried a variety of tourist elements - the crossing of the slope, the sieving of knots and the strengthening of parallel ropes between the trees, etc. The newsguard instructor responded to pupils' questions, explaining the possibilities of work and career.
On the last day, the participants of the camp - non-formal learning “professions cocktail” went to Rezekne, where they learned the profession of professions in Latgale embassy GORE, surveyed a variety of rooms where both events and attempts were held and places that were not available to visitors daily. The sound and light operator presented their work duties, hardware, events. At the same time, the pupils also learned about the activities of the event producer, the marketing specialist.
It was possible for young people to attend an emergency medical aid team in Rezekne, where students were introduced to the profession of nurse, team leader etc. The participants tested their knowledge and skills in the provision of first aid.
When assessing the event, young people welcomed and welcomed the opportunity to explore both themselves and others and expand their vision of the diversity of professions in their region.
The event was financed from the European Social Fund project No “career support in general and vocational education institutions”.
Maruta Krasnobaya,
pedagogical career consultant