Children of the project “live healthy in Rezekne District!”
The annual inspection data of the State Agency for Sport Medicines show that the number of pupils with functional disorders is increasing every year. The checks carried out several years ago revealed that more than half of children and adolescents were wrong. The situation is worsening every year and more and more children need to be adjusted.
The study of the State Education Content Centre confirms that when the school is started, children only realize 50% of the volume of movements corresponding to their age.
To be healthy does not mean the same thing. The child is healthy when he feels happy, satisfied, and wants to move. The more the child moves and develops his skills, the better the entire system of his body is developing, the physical development and health are improved. The child's story reflects the amplitude of his movements.
The project “lives healthy in Rezekne District!” as part of the Rēzekne municipality, a project event was launched from January of that year - “Actions to reduce musculoskeletal disease in pre-school educational institutions and schools”. These activities were led by the “Multifunctional Support and Growth Centre SkalaDar” employed, certified sports specialists. The activities were organized remotely, that is, in online mode and from the month of May, the activities were started to be organized at the outside, taking into account all epidemiological security measures and restrictions.
In that year, the lessons were implemented in nine pre-school and school educational institutions: Gaigalavas PII, Dricānu PII, Ulyanova PII, Sakstagala PII, Nautrēnu PII, Verham School, Audriņu at school, Silmalas PII and Rezne's school, together in 16 different age groups.
By the end of the year, all 23 age groups are expected to be covered, each of which is implemented to reduce 15-year muscles and skeletal diseases. Seven of the twenty-three groups have already been fully implemented and will be re-launched the following year.
The purpose of this project activity is to promote the promotion of physical activity or active lifestyle in society. During the course of the lesson, symmetrical formation of musculoskeletal enhancement is encouraged, stimulating the development of flexibility, agility and coordination, improved physical strength.
“Actions for the reduction of muscles and skeletal diseases in pre-school educational institutions and school” are performed “live healthy in Rezekne municipality” by the municipality of Rezekne. No The project is financed by the European Social Fund.
Baiba Tulnut,
The leader of the Rēzekne municipality project “live healthy in Rezekne District!”