Project “budpurs” — Support for pupils not to leave



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Since 2017, the European Social Fund project “budpurs” has been implemented in Latvia, which aims to reduce the number of early school leavers.
In the 2010-2020 year, the European Social Fund project “Support for reducing early school leaving” will continue in the municipality of Rezekne in 10 general educational schools.
In the Year I Semester 2019/2020, support measures were provided to 146 students.
Most often, the support provided under the project involves various types of consultancy, both the consultancy and the consultative support of the various professionals involved, such as the school psychologist, the class nurse, etc.
Studying subjects in which students were given support in the 2010-202020202020 educational institutions – the first place is Latvian. In the second place, in terms of the number of consultations provided, in mathematics. In the third place, English-language consultations are ranked.
The most frequently mentioned risk, which has become a cause for student involvement in the project, is the risk associated with the learning environment and educational institution, which includes difficulties in learning learning content, low learning achievements, learning of the content of the enrolled learning, behavioural problems and language barriers.
As recognised by parents whose children are involved in the project and receiving support, participation in the project helps the child to improve success and learn the learning substance. Some parents indicate that communication on project activities with children has positively affected the overall communication with the child or the closest.
Within the framework of the project, students can also be involved in youth initiative projects that help to address and support early school leaving risk group young people through various informal learning activities.
More on the project “Support for reducing early school leaving” can be found
Prepared: Lily Schodnak,
Co-ordinator of the “budpurs” project

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