“Startup Slalom IT Rezekne” will be held in Rezekne.


Business News

In October, a Startup Slalom IT Rezekne event will be held at the Rēzekne Technology Academy. This will be a unique opportunity for Latgale and not only for young people and entrepreneurs in the region to engage in a habit where they can meet their members and establish strong teams to develop their business ideas to a level of working prototype. This event is meant for representatives of various spheres – students, programmers, Web designers, marketing and project managers, Startup enthusiasts and business-oriented people who want to try their forces and spend their holidays.
The organisers will take care of the quality of the programme and the support of mentors, even though they can continue to develop their business project with unprecedented energy and new practical knowledge. Participation in the event is free, catering will be ensured. Startup Slalom members do not have an age or qualification limit.
Hackatone or technology marathon is an event that will last for 48 hours. It aims to create new teams and create new technological solutions. Initially, anyone who has a business idea presents them to all the other participants who are IN PARTICULAR, design, marketing and project management enthusiasts. The participants then choose which idea they will be working on for the next two days, and on Sunday evening the teams present their ready projects to the jury (investors). Experienced mentors will be associated who will be able to advise on design, programming, marketing and project management. The themes of this haston are linked to a variety OF solutions – mobile applications, Internet platforms and other information and communication technology tools. The participants of specific topics can choose their own.
The hackon starts on 27 October at 18.00, but before the opening of the official event, there will be a special workshop idea for authors where they will be able to develop their ideas and prepare themselves for their presentation to the audience. On Friday evening, participants who have developed their business ideas will present them to the other participants. Each member will then choose which ideas he wants to work for in the next 48 hours. Its ideas, supported by the largest number of participants, are further developed.
On Saturday, 28 October, teams will work with experienced business and technology mentors who will help them better understand their business model and choose more appropriate technological solutions. On Sunday, October 29, teams will present their ready projects to the jury, among which investors will also be involved. Goal – working in teams, checking your business ideas and creating a technology-based solution.
By 23 October, it is possible to login to http://ej.uz/StartupSlalomRezekne.: more information: Alona Belinska (e-mail: alona@startin.lv; tel. 26384077; https://www.facebook.com/StartupSlalom/; http://startupslalom.lv/

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