Rēzekne Municipality Days in Maltas.


Parish news
Festive procession

At THE END of the weekend OF THE Maltas association, “Rezekne Municipalities Day” 2022. A wide-ranging festival programme, a diverse offer and a wonderful time for celebration celebrations.

On Friday, July 29, almost every parish OF THE Maltas association offered their evening programme in their own territory – Silmalas parish invited to participate in parish sports games, Feimaņu parish took care of the full-value entertainment program for children, Lūznavas manor “Kulturys škiuni” was shown a humoristic home cinema, Maltas parish called for a lirical memory story of the afternoon of the 85 th anniversary of the name OF THE NAME Maltas, while IN THE parish OF Ozolaines, the first time was the festival of the Vilnius village, with the opening of the road and several environmental objects, the runway and the evening musical pleasure of the evening. But all the parish together symbolically combined the autophotography competition that started on Friday evening. 19.00 and ran until midnight. A total of 20 teams from Rēzekne countryside and Rezekne municipality, Valmiera, Madona, Luban and Jacob had applied for the competition. The three first place winners received valuable prizes from the TOURISM, recreational and artisanal offer of THE Maltas association.

On July 30, all six parish of THE Maltas association gathered together on a joint festive day that was held in THE village of Beku that year. Lūznavas parish took care of the overall artistic design of the event, creating a mild, solemn and creative atmosphere at the venue. Each parish had prepared for visitors his thematic area of activity, which allowed him to learn both individually and to enjoy a variety of festive holidays.

Lūznavas parish visitors waited in the “art zone” where every interested party had the opportunity to feel the artist's role - take a brush and mix colors, experiment by filling a large-format poster “EU RĒZEKNE DISTRICT!”. Lūznavas art area designers recognise: “artistic manifestations are both large and small, young and old! In the course of the event, there was a feeling of husbandry and belonging to the air, the pride of being our parish, the association and the people of the municipality! '

Feimaņu parish was pampered in the “gastronomic zone”. IN Feimaņu, Dina Šmaukstele, head of the cultural house, admits that the preparation for the day was the team's work with a large emotional contribution: “all parish employees, consultative councils, school staff, volunteers and family members were involved!” All the food offered to the tasting was made with love by our own housewife! Five types of biscuits, the cheese, the fat, the hunting sausage, the “haharjais”, the honey tasting from our Feimaņu Bitenieka Jura Kudura, the jam of this season, the berries from the gardens, the debessmanna, the Smonty from the garden and the woods in the woods, the berry moito, were built on the table. "The programme was complemented by the poppies masterclass for children in collaboration with the house carton“ Cukurella ”. THE leader of THE Feimaņu Cultural House stressed the fact that people were so responsive in the team that the whole evening was all enough. Feimaņu people who visited the event acknowledged that they were proud of the people of their parish. Feimaņu Senior club manager Mara Taranda, who has been questioned about working in his parish area and about the event as a whole, expresses his reflection:“ Feimaņu had very nice, free, uncompressed, friendly emotions. ”I appreciated the idea, liked the diversity, even did not realize everything, but i could n't burn even more. The greatest satisfaction is that people come after soup supplements and ask for a recipe. As one Scholar said,“ I don't need a silver fork to eat good food. ”“ I think that's what happened this time. ”There was a free, uncompressed atmosphere in each place. '

Maltas parish presented itself in the area “a lot of rural work” and invited guests to be improvised on the farm “at the brightness”, offering visitors to remember and reap the various rural jobs. It was also unworthy, proving the atmosphere of the countryside. IN Maltas, Head of the Cultural House, Elina's prize, says: “The young generation, Luste, was very smaller, but the older generation, in remembering all these responsibilities and enjoying the fact that it is now not necessary to work so hard, would be willing, nostalgic, with the azarta, and enjoyed the process. I have to admit that a lot of people could get the sauna slot right. The work that liked less was the separation of peas and beans. We also came to the event with our “Drinking smell”prepared from agricultural products - eggs, curd, garlic, onion, cream and dirt. The full tasters of enthusiasm could also try to make their hand in the cooking process, creating their own version. Since just recently Malta celebrated his 85-year-old anniversary, we had a celebration cake with whom we respected guests. A recently issued book about Malta and the artist Juri gaigal “Jura gaigala rainbow” was also awaited on the handkerchief. Mr Inara Blinov, head of the folklore “Zealand”, shares the feelings of THE Maltas and enjoys: “we came to the village and immediately went to find out what was in the neighbour's parish offer, at once to a variety of interesting tasks!” We first mentioned the names of the dried herbs. My herbs are a heart, so i particularly liked this task! We had a sauna broom, a wall coffin. We enjoyed working here! “Working with pleasure also carried the fruits of the work - the members of the folklore“ Zealand ”- Inara Blinova, vija Terentyeva and Ilona Careva – received winner prizes as the best performers of rural work. The parish OF Aivars Ushpeel was designed by Aivars Ushpeal.

THE parish OF Silmalas had taken care of the younger generation, and in his zone “my drastic corner of childhood” was waiting for the smallest celebrations of festivals. As the organisers of childhood are recognised, many children took part in the event. The small players played the big table games, a circus, a jang, and a memory game about THE parish OF Silmalas. MR Sabina - Liana Filatova, head of the CULTURAL house OF Silmalas, shares the experience: “the children liked the masterpiece“ painting of fabric bags ”, and the parents had a great interest in this activity. They were all pleased with the pony and, of course, the most exciting moment was a foam party whose children were waiting with great impatience. '

Ozolaines parish inspired the summer to create a “flower zone” where all activities, activities and exhibitions would be linked to flowers. Big interest was caused by THE “fires” biscuits of THE 1 TP50T People's House, which were cooked on the spot. Anne Tarakanova, head of Senior Club, says, “I think the festival went great!” Both adults and children came to respect our culinary miracle. Galina Philipova, a member of the Senior Club, adds that she has really gone after the recipe and the people had waited patiently. A special surprise on biscuits has been expressed by gentlemen. But in many of them they had memories of the wedding tables in earlier times. Anna Tarakanova continues: “The people of our member albino Shohtovich, or crocheted flowers, were very much liked by visitors. Who wished he could come to the crowd himself, learn, and put a flower on his chest. 'The visitors' eyes were also delighted BY Ozolaines parish residents, the flags of the ancient Lubova Keystere with flower motives. The members of the folklore group“ Zealand ”had prepared an uncharacteristical repertoire for the festival for the flowers. The people of Zealand, too, were replaced with flowers and white socks. As members of the story, the musical repertoire was composed of well-known and long-forgotten songs of flowers.“ People heard the singing, came to them, gave them song books, and some very actively sang with them! ”Still, the ladies of the Zealand respected the guests with a herbal tea that was in the boiler on the fire. In July, Colesnikova was told about herbal tea, accompanied by a bag of his wife's own herbs. In the middle, among the folklore“ Zealand ”and the“ fire ”of Senior clubs, a group of people's house works were active, offering two creative workshops – the preparation of greeting cards with dry flowers and the preparation of a gypsum interior decorator with flower motifs.

Pušas parish organised a recreational or “chill zone”. In the shadows of the trees, the corners of the relaxation could be relaxed and drifted with summer drinks. Children could easily settle on blankets and play with Lego constructors. The possibility of making a “luck amulet” from THE Pušā growing and reading plants that the area's visitors were willing to do and did with interest. Still there was a crossword puzzle about THE Maltas association, the most successful were rewarded. At the end of the event, Gerda Vogule was awarded the prizes and ran for Smane.

IN Maltas, the leader of the Cultural House, Elina's prize, is delighted to conclude that it was the first time THAT THE Maltas association came together to show itself and look at what the neighbours could and show. "The first time to be at such a large scale when so many collectors and leaders of different levels have gathered in one place! At the time of the event, we came to another, looking at what other parish colleagues had done, honouring each other with our rusty delicacy and sharing our experiences. It was so pleasant to realize that we, all parish together, could play both the concert and the patient with the benefits of their sown, and the hearts of the celebrated celebrations. '

In parallel to the events in the parish areas, during the three-hour period, the Bexes pond held fishing competitions involving 22 participants, fighting for cups and prizes in the nominations “biggest catch” and “biggest fish”. Svetlana Mikanova, the organizer of sporting events OF Lūznavas parish sports events, was awarded the honour of the competition judge. In the joint assessment of the competitions, the largest role was managed by Ozolaines parish-resident Fiodorra Prokofyev (998 g), and also the majority of the fish caught was the same fisherman with a fish of 332 g. The winner was welcomed and rewarded with a thematic fisherman cup and a Ozolaines parish confectionist, Olga Vinochova's baked tunnel clenger.

When the parish areas ended their work, and the fishermen had closed their competitions, the parish management, the organisers of cultural life and artistic collectors gathered together in one place to join a festive festival. The leaders of the evening event, THE LEADER of THE Ozolaines People's House Santa Ostasha and THE Feimaņu People's dance collective “Vimyns” Guntis Tjarvja, presented each parish and its specific features. A solemn meeting of Rezekne's council was dedicated to the Vice-Chairman OF the Rēzekne District Council Ērika Teirumnieka, followed by the lifting of the Rēzekne Municipality Anthem and the Rēzekne municipality flag in the mast. The event was continued by the performances of each parish artistic collective, joining the audience with different style songs, with various genre dances, as well as an instrument game. During the festival concert, the finalists of the traditional contest “beautiful Muna tāva” were summed up – thanks_to the participation received Feimaņu parish “Martins” (owners – Skaidritis and Dainis Babri), Lūznavas parish house “servants” (owners – Maria and Janis Gudeļi) and Pušas parish house “Birze” (owners – Valija and Nikolai Sazonovi). However, Maltas parish houses “Raitis” (owners – Anita and Vladislavs Krasnobaji) were recognised as the most convenient laureates of the competition. In the course of the festival, the winners of the competition “annual businessman 2021” and the winners of the winners also took place. Thanks for participation in the nomination “annual artisanal/domestic producer” received Ozolaines parish host Olga Vinochova, gratitude for participation and recognition for investments in the development of Rezekne municipality received Silmalas parish Z/S “upside 2”. But the victory in Rezekne's annual competition, nomination “new company”, received Pušas parish company SIA “house at lake” and its owners League and Aivars Kozlovskis!

The sound of the event with musical performances was delighted by the group “Borowa MC”, which arose IN THE parish OF Maltas. As a follow-up, the crowd of listeners became active dancers, as the most popular artist, Juris Ostrovskis, was on the stage. But in the evening's culmination, in the darkness, the light of fire was pleased.

The festival has been sounded, the pleasant feedback, the warm words, the joy of being a happy hearth for all of us! Thank everyone who put his hand, knowledge, enthusiasm, and all other possible resources to make these festivals beautiful! Thank you for all the competitions and activities that our ideas have addressed. Thank you for all the festival guests who had come to celebrate and celebrate with us! Time runs fast, so we won't be able to find out when again the Rēzekne county will call everybody together in a crowded crowd to join together in common songs, dances, and meeting joy!


Santa Ostasha, 
Head of the Ozolaine People's House

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