Residents of Rezekne municipality skating free of charge



On Monday, January 31, at the evening of the Olympic Centre “Rezekne”, the first public skating, where the cost of ice area was covered by the municipality of Rezekne, gave its citizens the opportunity to skating free of charge. In the future, until the end of the year, every Monday from 18.30 to 19.30, this will be an opportunity for every resident of Rezekne. 

“We got a lot of thanks,” said Aldis Ziukmacis, head of the youth sports school, after first skating. “Our citizens acknowledged that this is a great initiative, especially at this time when a positive emotion is very lacking.”

The first skating took place without prior login, but since the interest is very large, in the future, we call on both individual skaters and group journeys to sign e-mail. or by writing sms or calling at number 26171510 (Aldis Ziukmacis). By applying for the names of skaters, names and telephone numbers, as well as the parish or city represented. The preference will be for those who will first apply. If fewer than 90 people are logged in, which is the maximum epidemiologically permissible number of skaters, skaters will be placed in the ice area in order of the “live queue”. The entrance to the ice area is from a large park on the side of the river.

The municipality of Rezekne will cover the cost of the use of ice area, while the skaters themselves will have to pay for slides (1.50 Eur) and the headguard if necessary. When you go skating with your skates, there will be no extra expense. A variety of assistive products - “penguins” and clubs - for improvement of skating skills for beginners will also be available for free space.

In adults, skating will take place in “Green mode” - by presenting an interoperable Covid-19 certificate at the entrance. Students over 12 years of age will have to show a certificate or a school screening test (72 h), while children under 12 years of age will be able to visit ice halli without a certificate or test. 

According to a cooperation agreement concluded by the municipality of Rezekne with the Olympic Centre “Rezekne”, the municipality will pay 145.20 Eur per week for the use of ice area. By dividing to one visitor, it is approximately half cheaper than if people would come and pay individually (3.50 Eur/h).


More information: BJSS Director Aldis Ciukmacis, tel. 26171510

Text and photo: 
Madara Burtina,
Public relations specialist of the municipality of Rezekne

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