Rezekne leads young people to know Latgale entrepreneurs



Since February, the Rēzekne municipality has implemented a project “package of measures for the emerging and existing entrepreneurs of East Latgale on business opportunities in the European Union”. In addition to educational seminars, school young people, as well as existing and emerging entrepreneurs, had the opportunity to explore real business examples in excursions.
In the first excursion, young people went to Jelgava municipality, knowing the business specificities of the region in sectors such as tourism, agriculture, domestic production. However, it is important to realise that these ideas can also be implemented here even in Rēzekne District and Latgale.
Vilaka municipality farm “Kotiņi” manages several thousand hectares of agricultural land. Is one of the largest seed producers in the country. Development projects are currently being implemented in the value of even several million euros. Intelligent farming makes it possible to make efficient use of all production by producing rapeseed oil, flour and honey as additional products. This farm inspires that a great will can be carried out by every idea. The strength of the family, a strong team, knowledge and experience, and competition are those driving forces that encourage z/s “Kotiņi” to develop.
The route led to the export of Rezekne and Rezekne special economic zone companies “Verems” and “LEAX”. The excursion through production sites could be closer to the specificities of woodworking and metalworking works. Astonishing is the volume of production and the systematisation of activities. Although some production processes are robotic, these companies need qualified, responsible employees.
The impressive day is held at the Rēzekne District “Apkalnhome”. Vērēmu parish owners have created a pleasant environment where travelers can rest or celebrate their holidays. They also produce a variety of leather articles and horses. The participants of the excursion also had the opportunity to try their own hand with the skin, which needed both strength and creative approach.
The distance from capital, ports or airports is not an obstacle to the production of internationally recognised and innovative products or to become industry leaders. The experience of these businessmen and owners confirms that, with diligent work and smart farming, you can also develop in the municipality of Rēzekne and Latgale.
Ilze Kishchenko,
project Public Relationship Specialist
The exchange of experience is organised by the Europe Direct Information Centre in Eastern Latgale with financial support from the European Commission.
The European Commission's main priority is not to create new debts, to achieve growth in Europe and to increase the number of jobs. Since the start of the global economic and financial crisis, the European Union (EU) is experiencing a low level of investment and high unemployment. In order to address this problem, the European Commission, together with the European Investment Bank, launched a “Investment Plan for Europe”.
“Europe Direct” is a 2005 European Commission's network of information centres operating in all EU Member States. “Europe Direct” provides free information to all citizens on EU areas of activity and calls for the involvement of THE EU in ongoing processes and the use of the opportunities offered by participation in it.
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