The Rēzekne municipality took part in sports competitions in Lithuania


For young people

On June 26, 2020, the project “LLI-402” “social integration of young people on the basis of sports activities” (risk-Free) was held in Visagin (Lithuania) – a sports competition that gathered more than 100 participants from Latvia and Lithuania. Latgale region was represented by teams from Daugavpils and Rezekne cities, as well as Daugavpils, Preilu and Rezekne provinces. Youth teams of Latgale region won 10 prizes (4 teams won 1 st place, 4 teams – 2 nd place, and 2 teams – 3 rd place).
A great performance in the quarrel was shown by Latgale region teams, ranking in the 1 st and 2 nd place for boys in the age group 15 years.
The fierce struggle for medals took place in beach football matches. The girls' team from Daugavpils municipality took 1 st place, while the boys' team from Daugavpils municipality remained in 2 nd place, but from the city of Rezekne, the third.
In the beach volleyball, the girls of Latgale region were the strongest, taking all the prizes – the Rēzekne county girls' teams won 1 st and 3 rd place, while Preilu municipality ranked in 2 nd place.
The Rēzekne municipality, in sports activities, showed excellent results. In the beach volleyball, the girls got their first place thanks to Santa Springham, Amanda Lucianova, Ellen Michel, and Victoria Zuckov. The third place was won BY a team of Kaunatas, represented by Maria vaļuma, Talkiu, Amanda Trocksha, Erica Kucher and Ieva sutina.
The boys in the beach volleyball were looking for more competition and a more intense fight, but it did not prevent the game from enjoying the game and getting 1 st and 2 nd. Thanks for successful and successful matches – Jurim Bistrov, Modrim Vasilevsky, Sandim Lukashenko and Nikitam Cvetkov.
His strength and performances in individual competitions in the arsenal were tested by the youth affairs specialist of the municipality of Rezekne, League Bistrova, who won second place in his weight category. In the boys' group, Rēzekne Municipality, Juris Bistrov, won the prize first place.
Latgale Planning Region expresses gratitude to municipalities for their responsiveness and league to Bistrova, Janis Briška, Marinai Sokolov, Jurim Kaņepem, Inta Rumakai and Žanna Ivannitikov for support for young people and organisers.

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