A competition “skani my language” was held in the Rēzekne municipality.

From 15 March to 6 April, the children of the municipality of Rezekne, from pre-school educational institutions and pre-school groups at schools, participated in the competition '' skani my language! '

 The measures took place at the border of certain associations. And were organized IN Viļānu PII, Maltas PII '' Minimum '', Nautrēnu PII '' Valovete '' PRPV Ilzeskalna parish, Stoļerovas in the building and Ulyanova PII 'ants'.

The theme of the event “I for my land”, which was both poetry and music, as well as creative theatrical performances. Children had the opportunity to express themselves in a creative and diverse manner, telling about the nature of Latvia, people, events, inciting lover fairy tales and plays, singing. It was delighted that no little artist came out and felt conspicuously in the characters of the heroes. As always, good assistants and supporters were teachers.

I'm glad there was a friendly atmosphere in the events. '' My language '' was deliberately not created as a competition with evaluation and grading, but as a measure in which we could sincerely enjoy and support each child and feel it. The small actors received diplomas, sweets and an evolving game for the institution, which was taken care of by the educational and sports administration of the municipality of Rezekne.

Thank teachers for their work and time making stories, singers, actors. Thank the teachers who were joying, loving, expressing these events. Thanks also to children's parents for their support, prepared children's clothes, encouragement words.

Prepared: Griškānu PII '' Sprudzs' 'manager Svetlana Kapaja

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