Rezekne's school students learn technology together with Ukrainian children


EU news

To promote the integration of Ukrainian children into society, find new friends and spend their vacant time, the hostess lawyer (15 years) and Roland (13 years) On 29 June, the people of Ukrainian civilians were invited to a lesson. Young people talked about the different sets OF LEGO Robots, demonstrated THE possibilities of LEGO Spike Education, then they all built up carousels. The hour's long lesson went away, and the participants talked about their experience with LEGO. Also in Ukraine, LEGO is very popular among children and young people. 

Juris and Roland admitted that he had been interesting. “I was nervous at first, but the lesson went by thin, so it was all right.” It was interesting to exchange information, tell me about your experience. I've been in a number of events that help children from Ukraine, so some children knew me, and it was easier for me. We will certainly continue the initiative to make Ukrainian children feel better in Latvia and find new friends, "said the lawyer.

Happy about the event was mothers from Ukraine. Jaroslava's mother, Svetlana, came to Rēzekne from Harkivu in early May and was concerned about what he had to do in his spare time: “I wonder that in Latvia, Rezekne, interests are free of charge. Jaroslav also visited LEGO in Ukraine, but they were a fee. ' 

The event took place within the framework OF the Erasmus + project “INTEGRA”. This project creates a network of technology specialists/teachers, encouraging young people to participate in the management of lessons. 

For reference:
Erasmus + project Implementation Project No. 2020-1-LV01-077496 “founding the Network of Technology INTEGRAtionist in Pupils' Informal Education” (Establishment of a network of technology integration specialists in the education of pupils' interest in education-LV) co-financed by the European Union. Project partners: the municipality of Rezekne, the association “angels with us”, the Eastern Latvian creative service centre “Zeimuļs”, Häädemeeste Keskkool (Estonia), Kupiskis Povilas Matulionis progymnasium (Lithuania), Vaikų is the novimo visapusiško lavinimo centre, Jonava (Lithuania), Academia Družba za storitve d.o.o., Maribor (Slovenia). 

Duration of the project: 1 November 2020 - 31 December 2022.


Inta Rimšāne, project Manager
Rezekne Municipality

Tel. +37126554478

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