Businessmen of Rezekne municipality show great interest in positioning their product on the local and European Union market



On February 21, a seminar called “Buy-Sales Academy” was held in the municipality of Rēzekne Municipality, Europe Direct East Latgale Information Centre. More than 60 participants participated in the seminar, including both experienced entrepreneurs who have also conquered the market of other countries with their products, both young entrepreneurs and students and other stakeholders who are just still thinking about their business.
The lecturers, brand communication specialist Raimonds Plateyes and Aija vanaga, head of the Rēzekne business association, emphasize that each case should be able to look at different positions, both as a producer and as a customer. This will allow you to better assess your product and understand how to offer it. At a time when more international brands enter Latvia, local products with their own identity become more important. However, local entrepreneurs must be able to think and work with global ambitions. When generations and habits change, entrepreneurs need to adapt to the modern client. The most common form of communication is human - technology - a person directly affected by rapid technological developments. The popularity of social networks is an excellent example of this trend. Social networks have become a convenient channel to address their client. However, it is important to remember that social networks can as easily become a stumbling stone, allowing rapid dissemination of negative product information.
The seminar contained not only the theoretical presentation but also the work of the groups. Each team, based on their own resources, had to create a product to identify potential customers as well as accelerators, i.e. collaborators for promotion. This task recalls that capital is not always the most important idea for the development of ideas and products.
On the other hand, at the seminar, Skaidrīte Baltace, head of THE IDAL Rēzekne business incubator, introduced the business incubator. It is an opportunity for young entrepreneurs to receive the necessary support and services for business development. 50 % co-financing will be applied to all services. Pre-incubation is also available in incubators, where entrepreneurs can test their business ideas and receive free advice.
The project “package of measures for the emerging and existing entrepreneurs of East Latgale on business opportunities in the European Union” is implemented with the support of the European Union Investment Plan.
Ilze Kishchenko, 
Project Public Relationship Specialist
Uzņēmējus uzrunāja Rēzeknes novada domes priekšsēdētājs Monvīds Švarcs Uzņēmējdarbības kontaktpunktu vadītāji Sanita Zunda un Gunts Klīdzējs Lektori Aija Vanaga un Raimonds Platacis DSC_0015 DSC_0016 DSC_0020 DSC_0023 DSC_0024 DSC_0028 DSC_0029 DSC_0033 DSC_0035 DSC_0038investeu-logo
The seminar is organised by the Europe Direct Information Centre in Eastern Latgale with financial support from the European Commission.  
The European Commission's main priority is not to create new debts, to achieve growth in Europe and to increase the number of jobs. Since the start of the global economic and financial crisis, the European Union (EU) is experiencing a low level of investment and high unemployment. In order to address this problem, the European Commission, together with the European Investment Bank, launched a “Investment Plan for Europe”.  
“Europe Direct” is a 2005 European Commission's network of information centres operating in all EU Member States. “Europe Direct” provides free information to all citizens on EU areas of activity and calls for the involvement of THE EU in ongoing processes and the use of the opportunities offered by participation in it.

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