Riga celebrated the 150 th anniversary of the clerk and statesman Franz Tradog



By celebrating the 150 th anniversary of the brilliant public employee, clerk, publicist and literate Franz Tradog, on 16 May, Riga, Jacob Street and the Saeima house, the Latvian language and songs were gathered, the people who have a costly counselor's memory. Again and again, the words said by President Jānis Chaakste were repeated: “Francis Trassun put the third star in our Latvian coat of arms, Latgale.”

In the Cathedral of the Holy Jacob of Saint Jacob, the archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church was chaired by Zbigņevs Stankevics, cardinal Janis Puyts. Emotional and exciting was the moment of commemoration at MR Trassun's tabs when the leader of the Roman Catholic Church of Latvia, for the first time after more than nine decades, publicly apologized to the clerk Francim Tradog for the heavy mistake of their predecessor, Archbishop Antonia Springovich, the unjustified exclusion of F.Tradog from the church because of political intrigues. The musical greetings from the native side of Trassil were carried BY Sakstagala parish Fr. The folklore of the trassil museum, “Colnasate” and the post-folklore group “rikis” young people, spoke the film director Janis Streich, head OF the Rēzekne Latgalese cultural association Anna Rancāne, Fr. “Colnasate” of the trassil museum is deposited by Tamara Tutin. The cultural educational seminar at the Saeima's red hall was opened 11. The Saeima deputy Livija Plavinska (unity), reports of Franz Tradog's rich contribution to politics (Dr hist. Vladislav Malahovsky), Church (Dr hist. Inese Runce, folklore (Dr. philol. Angelika Jusko-Schtekele), linguistics (Dr philol. Lidija Lukums), the Saeima deputy (unity), Dr habil. philol, spoke about Latgali. Janina Kursis. For his novelist, the “cougar monk”, which was based on the life of Franz Trassun, was divided into thoughts and emotions by the writer Inga Abel. The Historian Inese Rounce's report gave rise to new facts in Trassun's activities, which have been discovered in the study of the St. Petersburg archives, and it turns out that every step of Trassil's years (1890-1913) has been steadily and closely followed by the Russian state authorities, which he was unwanted and particularly dangerous as a Latvian leader. In his service he does not clean the spiritual, everything is God and everything is -- the people. During the Republic of Latvia, Francis Tradog was one of Latvia's for authors, as a member of the Saeima, he often climbed into the parliament of the Saeima to talk about painful issues affecting the economic and cultural life of Latgale people, but his politician's view was much wider, more far-sighted, covering the whole nation as an indivisible organism. Franz Trassun was often referred to as Latgale's public service, but he was an excellent national personality. “Chou dareisim lobby, dareisim vysai.” Tod, too, will destroy the myth of the tys, who honour tens and symtus myus is a shkeir. Only Tod no longer nabyus that the peoples of the people – vivids, meats – Latvians, and the people Tod byusim mes – vysi Latvians in Cook, “– these words in the newspaper Jelgava in the newspaper“ farmer ”, Francis Tradog wrote in 1907, another 11 years before the establishment of the Republic of Latvia. But at the same time he had a difficult task - to defend the idea of Latvia's national unit, to stand up for Latgale's fair right to its historical speciality – the preservation of language, religion, traditions, against the discrimination of Latgalians, continuously receiving allegations both from one and the other side of politicians. However, Franz Trassun was accepted and loved by the ordinary people, not just the Latgalians, but also by the other people, according to 2. The results of the Saeima elections, where in terms of the number of records (that is something similar to today's stories in the list of Members' candidates), Francis Tradog was the most popular Member, leaving both K. Ulmanis and J. The Chaksti and the People's poet John Raini. Nepiekāpīgs, sometimes stubbornly, with sharp tongue, as a sakstagalietis, Francis Trassun could be cruel against his political opponents, the sharp laugh of them in his bright fabulous fans, whose new and supplemented edition of Latgale's cultural centre publishing house was presented at the Saeima House. Rassa's speech at Saeima meetings often interrupted his political the laughing cries he was able to respond to. “I am sure that you, gentlemen, who laugh here, will not laugh in the vis if the Bolsheviks - Communist, because they are your brothers and no fear of them, but you have a fear of national Latgale, '– these frightening prophecy words in Fr. The tradog says at the Saeima meeting in 1925. We have to think about these words today, because, unfortunately, 11. The Saeima deputies were visible in a small number of seminars, and at the last minute, the Saeima Chairman Solvita Aboltina refused the opening of the memorial event dedicated to Francim Trassun. But Francis Trassun had said intelligent words that were also attributable to today's politicians,“ the power pit, neighborhood, myujab! ”

Francis Trassun was born on October 4, 1864 (after the new style of 16) in October, Sakstagala parish, elementary education in Yelgava, studied at the Petersburg Catholic Mental seminar, then Catholic's spiritual academy. At the beginning of the 20 th century, he lived and worked in Petersburg, where he actively encouraged the abolition of the Latvian national awakening and the print ban. In 1906, MR Trassu was elected by the Russian Federation of Russia. MR Tradog was one of the main leaders of Latgale Latvian Congress in Rēzekne in 1917 and supporters of Latvian independence. Congress is considered the most important event in Latvia's statehood, as it took a historic decision to merge Latgale with the rest of Latvia.

In 1917-1919, he acted as a clerk in a number of friends in Latgale. During the Council of the People's Council, he was the manager of the Latgale Affairs Department with Minister's rights. MR Tradog was a member of the Constitutional Assembly and 1 and 2. Member of the Saeima. F. Tradog established and led the magazine “Friend's friend” (1920) and the newspaper “Zemgalka Bolss” (1924-1926), author of very many published articles on topical public and political events.

As a result of various political disagreements and intrigues, MR Trassun, despite being popular in the people and doing much for the church, was excluded from church in 1926. In the same year, on 6 April, he dies from a heart attack and is buried in the tombs of Rezekne's brothers. Only in 1998 did the Congregation of Church Clare officially admit that the expedition against F. Trassu, which had been achieved by local church men, had not been fair and the Vatican gave the priest his good name. ON the 145 th anniversary of Tradog, in May 2009, the monument “all country” was discovered in Rēzekne.

The events of the counselor will be held throughout the year in Latgale, the University of Rezekne, as well as the Rēzekne municipality IN Sakstagala parish, Franz Trassa Museum “Colnasate”, while on 16 October in Latgale Embassy “Gors”, all are invited to a musical dramatic event “Francis”. Fr. The 150-year-anniversary event is organised by the Rēzekne Latgalian cultural association, supported by Rezekne municipality and the municipality of Rezekne and the University of Rezekne.

Anna Rancāne

 Franz Tradog's 150-year anniversary programme

Svētā Mise sv. Jēkaba katedrālē11. Saeimas deputāte Līvija Plavinska Arhibīskaps metropolīts Zbigņevs Stankevičskardināls Jānis PujatsDzied KolnasātaAnna Rancāne, Rēzeknes latgaliešu kultūras biedrības valdes priekšsēdētāja Piemiņas pasākums pie sv. Jēkaba katedrālesTamāra Tutina, muzeja Kolnasāta krājumu glabātāja  Seminārā runā kardināls J.PujatsRakstniece Inga ĀbelePostfolkloras ansamblis RikšiLasa Trasuna fabulas Latgales kultūras centra izdevniecības vadītājs Jānis ElksnisEkskursija Saeimā

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