“Oh 'Bobby!”
2015. honorary at 30 a.m. 20.00 in the poost of money, Rogovka's sports hall - culturys halls - the traditional Italian musicist Festivals O, a bobbie! ", in which Jim daleib is a lot of Rogovkys i tuoluokys apleycine i capelys.
Ita pasuocum has Sova's hostess. At the time of the Smotra tierga Rogovka vosorys, Rudowa, the poem of the poem of Onton, drifted to the gosti, and the courtesy that two were gambling musicians - Yuan enclosed isordeone i Onton Savickis iz garman. In the doorway, the puppy mouthed in the doorway, the half-breeze drifted with the rhythm of i sytho with the vysentery “instrumental” -- a lizicom, a fork buttock, a stripe vuok... In order to rhythmise the byutu nuzzenuoka, tyka doduovuot is also thrown by a buzzer, which is synonymous with the courtyard and ivibream, the sound of a breeze! The musicyshon lasted a nutoxy stud i sanuoce so loud that even Rogovkys's crystal! A sabre Goov even nūzaruove a wound.
Taida's musicyshone poiseatyka, i kotru hondu Rudupeus tyka reikuot taid musiceišonys pasuokums, followed by Onton Cookuoy deve's nasty “O, bobbie!”. I sabre at Goov's ituo during the nūzaruove of the vysod, even though the tika sytys had a maximum tub of Ruduku.
As a result, Onton Cooper's closest muyzib, with Nellijis Viļumys initiativu and the Pogosta porcelain atbolst itate pasuocum tyka, has already been a recicuated Nautranus, inviting musiceit musicists of the musiceit, who have been waking in i napazeist, but the balleiti gon can be stubborn.
In March, in March i, the Tautys musicist bedreib, the bedreib “Rogovkins” and the bedreb “Rēzekne City Theatre-studio 'Joriks'”, the “cultural root” of the project “cultural root” of the project, have been divided into practical masterworms and short-lost latgales, crowds, boltkriva i Kriva vierteibys in Latgolia. In the first draft of the 16 th project, the intoxicating Daleibnamki tykuos in Rēzekne has swapped the seminar “positive experience evening”, as well as the nutyka economics musikys concert, in which the chapel “Salnavas danu musicans”, the peoys musicans Irene Snout and Iveta Dukaļska, the Kriva folklorys beard i newsletter “Zdravka”, the vokalais ansamblis “harmony”, boltkriva ensemble “Suzorje”, the bolt-cream ensemble “Lazorevij cvetok”, and the “Vodograj” “Vodograj”. Tan, at the 30 th, at 20.00, the novelty of the project “Vescherinka O, bobbie!”
In the pyramid “O, bobbie!” Sukusu's long-time man Yuan Myurinyk said “I'll be able to dance, if naduoncuosis!”, and then, once again, the musicans of the peoples will be listening to the večerinkys noodles where the musicantim can also be leaked by i duoncoit.
Byusit vysi Meili waiting in Rogovka!
Teresa peered
The project “cultural roots” shall be supported by:
The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, the association “Southern Latgale NGO Support Centre”, the People's Musicist Society, the association “Rēzekne City Theatre-studio" Joriks "”, the association “Rogovkīši”, the cultural house of Rezekne National Society, Rezekne High School.