Antagonisation of the population and visitors of specially protected areas
By the end of the year, the questionnaires of specially protected areas of natural areas (SPAs) and THE local population/household of SPAs will continue, which is carried out by the Vidzeme Higher School INSTITUTE in cooperation with the National Environment Protection Fund (LVAF) project within the 10 most popular SPAs. The questionnaires were also launched in Razna National Park.
The objective of the survey is to clarify the views of the two main target groups (visitors and local population) and to use the data collected for sustainable resource management IN THE AREAS OF SAD and local populations with nature conservation, tourism and economic interests.
A slightly different questionnaire is developed for each of these groups, which is available and complete online.
The questionnaire for visitors to Razna National Park can be found at: .
The most popular viewing sites (big Liepukalns, Mākoņkalns, Androupenes purva trail etc.) have information sheets with QR code. By scanning it, you can fill in an online questionnaire while you are in a nature object.
Second questionnaire is intended for those who live in Razna NP territory or who possess property in that area. A representative of every household, or one representative of each generation, is invited to express his opinion (if there are several generations in the same household).
The questionnaire should be completed by 31 December, but we are calling for no longer time and already expressing their views.
The Nature Protection Administration Latgale regional administration calls for the dissemination of information regarding the questionnaires to THE local government in available resources (website, social networks, local information expenditures) in order to obtain the most objective evaluation and, on the basis of the data collected, promote the development of Razna NP as a single tourism destination and the management of sustainable resources.
Nature Protection pārvaldes Latgale Regional Administration
Carpenter street 8, Rezekne, LV-4601
Tel. 64605860