The Rēzekne municipality's “Skonai” vocal competition “Vosis 2014” in the final competition, which took part in the strongest ensembles from all Latvia, won the highest score. “Shane” was performed BY MR Kuzmina's folk-songs -- the “gon daughter” of the Latgalian peoples, “Pyut, pyut viejeni” and g. Kuzmina's original song “skani, debit”.
The organiser of the competition “votes” is a national education content centre, which aims to promote the collective creative activity, growth and development of children and young people, in preparation FOR THE XI Latvian School Youth Song and Dance Festival in 2015, to deepen the knowledge of children and young people about Latvian people's songs and to promote the acquisition and expansion of the repertoire of a new, artistic high-value and creative vocal ensemble. The jury's assessment foresaw a cappella singing, as well as an artistic and technical performance of the performance, a vocal culture and a sense of style.