The online conference discussed the development of Lake Razna



In order to promote the sustainable and versatile development of Razna Lake and surrounding areas, the municipality of Rēzekne, on Wednesday 17 March, organised a conference on “Development and long-term use of Razna Lake and surrounding area resources” on Wednesday 17 March. The conference was attended by representatives of the local government and natural defence administration (DDA), scientists, tourism entrepreneurs, fishermen, fishermen, as well as residents of the surrounding area, in order to discuss the use of the environmentally friendly and all relevant areas of Razna waters and surrounding areas. As the conference moderator Andris Clepers acknowledged: “fishing fish, the people of the surroundings talked about Razna a thousand years ago and speak now.”

“Razna lake is a unique place that has not been given the status of a national park as a particularly recognised and protected area,“ speaking the participants of the conference ”, the Chairman OF the Rēzekne municipality council Monvīds Švarcs.“ We can often hear the phrase “balance the interests of nature conservation and economic activity”. But i would like to change the terminology and say - synchronise rather than balance, because the natural values we have given must be used in such a way that this value only increases and gives new momentum to further development. '

The Razna lake, which is known as the Latgale Sea, offers both a lot of opportunity and a challenge - the head of the Rēzekne Municipality Development Planning Planning Department Anna Jaudzema said in her presentation. The main challenges are the organisation of road infrastructure, respect for the cordage band and the management of fish resources. Meanwhile, the biggest chance is “green” tourism: “along with the restrictions of Covid, we see that the popularity of the eco-tourism is growing - the number of visitors in natural objects and walking trails has increased, the interest in guest houses for the rest of the family has increased,” said Anna Jtumema. “So this is our time - far from the capital of the capital city, a quiet and high-quality home traveller. From Covid, safe tourism is our opportunity, the main finding of creative ways to use it.“ Who will be able to surprise, cooperate and adapt. ”

At the conclusion of the conference, DAP Latgale Regional Administration Director Anda Zeize told the institution of the contribution of the institution to the preservation of natural values, as well as a number of proposals for amendments to the rules on the use of the national park: “It would be necessary to develop the Razna Lake zoning (nature reserve, nature park, neutral zone) in order to meet both the wishes of the active tourism and the wishes of the quiet and peace-seekers. Similarly, the“ underwater tourism ”regulation should be developed, as well as the ban on the use of projectiles containing lead. '

Razna Lake's development scenarios were examined by the leading researcher of the Latvian Hidroecology Institute, Matīss Jagars. He encouraged the lake to be managed jointly and sustainably, given that the lake is a protected nature area where fish is an important part of the ecosystem. Matīss Jagar called for the creation of the Razna Lake Council: “it must be a public and democratic association with local government, DDA, fishermen, fishermen and tourism industry.”

The benefits and shortcomings of the economic activities were also told by Razna's local businessmen, while the participants discussed and responded to the questions referred to the conference in the second part of the conference, as well as the questions asked during the conference. In the coming days, the replies to the conference on the conference will be collected and published on the municipal website.

Conference entry:

Madara Burtina,
Public relations specialist of the municipality of Rezekne

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