Online event “Waste sorting ABC in Latvia and Europe”


EU news

In support of the European Green Course, with the aim of deepening people's understanding of the correct sorting of waste, encouraging the use of less resources and less waste, on 21 June, the Central Library of Rezekne, within the framework of the “Europe Direct East Latgale” project, called for participation in the online event “Waste sorting ABC in Latvia and Europe”.

2 lectures were offered to stakeholders. The design of a sustainable fashion designer and the brand “VelgaCode” in the lecture of Velga Krukovsky “to prevent garbage from becoming waste” said about sustainable fashion, the impact of fast fashion on the environment, the life cycles of clothing, the re-use of textiles. The subject of the toll is the recycling of raw materials, the saving of resources, the humane treatment of animals. With concrete examples, she pointed out how the world drowned and the importance of restoring ecological balance on earth. As regards sustainable fashion, Velga stressed that it was based on the usability of clothing. Sustainable clothing is the one we wear at least 30 times and should be remembered by supplementing our wardrobe.

In the presentation of the Rēzekne State Pole Gymnasia Natural Sciences and geography teacher Anita Vaivode, “start with yourself!” presented the waste sorting experience that has been gained in the Eco-Schools' projects over several years. Students of different ages are keen to be involved in the collection of maculatics, the Vistatia cleaning talks, the “environmental new reporters” and “advice before buying!”, as well as in many other activities related to environmental protection and the promotion of the circular economy. The school's green motto is “think, evaluate, act!” which students are trying to follow and encourage them to do.

The Deputy Director of the Central Library of Rezekne, Zigrīda Gorsvane, introduced online participants to the electronic information resources of the Central Library of Rezekne on the recycling and management of waste.

Prepared by:
Anita Gaidule,
Rēzekne Central Library Reading Manager

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