Meeting with the people of Decaari parish

1 April AT Dekšāres parish hall at 14.00 is organised by the general meeting of the Rēzekne municipality Dekšāres parish.
A plastic card “Dekšāres civil parish” will be presented during the meeting, produced by British Council Latvia, “Providus” and the municipality of Rezekne. strengthening of the project “Consultative councils of the population in Rezekne District”.

The “Dekšāres parish” map will continue to be used for the daily work of the Citizens' Advisory Council (GDP), in general meetings and in negotiations with the Government of the municipality of Rezekne or THE management of THE Viļānu association so that the areas under discussion can be seen spatially.

The meeting is also organised to familiarise citizens with THE work of the Consultative Council OF THE Dekšāres parish population and encourage citizens to participate in the planning of parish life and to allow spatial experience of their territory and belonging to it.

1. Discovery of the general meeting.
2. Municipal representatives:

  • presentation of the progress made IN the parish OF Dekšāres in 2022;
  • announce the planned works in 2023;
  • explain the process of reorganisation of the newly established associations of associations in Rezekne.

3. Dekšāres parish GDP will be presented in 2022 and will be told about future developments.
4. A map of “Dekšāres civil parish” will be presented, in which the marking of important objects will be performed and the development of the development of the collective parish area will be launched, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of their parish and highlighting future plans.
5. Discussions with citizens, citizens' complaints and hearings.

Prepared by: Dekšāres parish head OF GDP Jolanta Smane

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